How to Clean a Rusty Surfboard

If you’re a surfing enthusiast, then you might own a board that sports the famous “R” trademark on it. The “R” stands for “Rusty”, and it’s probably the best you brand you can own! Rusty Preisendorfer is a world-famous surfboard designer and manufacturer who began his claim to fame in the nineteen seventies. Then, in 1984, when Australian surfer Mark Occhilupo won the World Pro Tour on a Rusty brand three-finned surf board, Preisendorfer began to gain world-wide fame. In the next two years, more than half of the world’s master surfers were riding Rusty brand surf boards. Part of owning one of Preisendorfer’s creations is knowing how to clean a Rusty surf board.

You may have purchased your Rusty brand surfboard from a number of trusted retailers. You can check them out on the Internet at It’s easy to find the Rusty brand surfboard because he sells these “Mercedes Benz” of surfboards in over twenty-five different countries.

Or, maybe you visited Rusty Preisendorfer’s shop which is located in La Jolla, California. It’s called “Rusty Boardhouse Inc., and it’s at 2170 Avenida De La Playa.

Some of Rusty’s own designs include the Catfish, Hipster, T2, Grom, Piranha, Bob, Quad, Thumbtail and the Mod Fish. Preisendorfer’s surfboard designs are basically made of polyurethane, polystyrene foam or. fiberglass. These materials are durable to hit the waves with, but they still need to be kept clean and properly cared for in order to maintain their shine and good looks.

One of the best ways you can help keep your Rusty brand surfboard clean is to rinse it off with tap water immediately after each use. By doing this, you’ll remove the damaging salt water off your surfboard before it can harm the surface.

On top of rinsing your board off often, you’ll need to periodically give your surfboard a thorough cleaning. To clean Rusty brand surfboards, you’ll need to first clean off the wax that has accumulated on it. You’ll need to use a tool known as a “wax comb” in the surfing world. A wax comb will effectively remove the built-up wax and gunk off your board. In between cleanings, of course, a wax comb is used to draw lines in the wax. These lines enable a surfboard to get better traction when it’s riding the waves.

Besides a wax comb, you’ll also need a good-quality wax remover to clean your Rusty board with. In order to achieve the best results, be sure to read and follow the manufacturer’s directions on the container. Basically, you’ll use the wax remover and a soft rag to clean off the wax and gunk from your surfboard.

Once your polyurethane, polystyrene foam, or fiberglass board is clean, you’ll need to keep it protected and looking great by applying a good-quality polish to it. The surfboard polish will make your Rusty brand surfboard glimmer in the sunlight. It will also help protect its surface from being damaged by harmful saltwater. And, don’t forget that applying a good coat of polish to your surfboard will also help you speed through the water!

After your Rusty brand surfboard is clean, you should store it in a bag that’s specially designed for surfboards.

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