How to Clean an Apartment or House when Moving in: The Outside

Depending on the amount of yard space that you have and the apartment that you live in will affect how much outside cleaning that you will have to do. It is more likely that you will be tidying up outside when you are renting a house.

Scan the Area

Quickly clean up any debris that may have been left in yard and area around your house or apartment unit. You can have plastic bags over your hands or get some plastic gloves at the dollar store to ensure that you won’t pick up anything that is unpleasant. This way you will feel comfortable letting your children play outside and to walk in your yard.

Seasonal Clean Up

The time of the year that it is during the time that you move into your new house or apartment will affect what kind of outside clean up that you will want to do. If it is the Fall it is likely that you will be raking up some leaves, if it the Winter you may have to do a bit of shoveling to get walkways from your porch or door to your car or mailbox. In Spring and Summer you won’t have to do any leaf raking or snow shoveling.


If there is any dirt on the outside of the door you can give it a quick wipe with at a rag or sponge or spray it with the outside hose.


You can give the porch a sweep and then rinse it with a hose if you feel that it needs a cleaning.


Rinsing a stone or concrete walkway with a hose can get rid of any unwanted dirt on it.


Mowing your lawn is all that you have to do to keep it tidy, remember to pick up any debris in the area before you start mowing.


You might have to water some thirsty plants and flowers that are growing outside and possibly trim so hedges.


Windex is a great thing to use to clean your windows from the outside if you feel that they need it.


Hopefully you won’t have to clear out a garage of things that were left by the previous renters. If you see that there are oil stains you will want to do you best to clean it up, that is if it bothers you.

Hopefully when you move into your new apartment or house you won’t have to worry too much about having to clean up the outside, you will likely be busy cleaning up in the inside which will be the first priority.

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