How to Cleanse Yourself of Poison Oak

I have read that the herb of mugwort is suppose to absorb the poison out of your skin at the moment that the poison gets on your body. The mugwort is applied topically. Since the poison was already having a field day inside of me, I have tried ingesting mugwort as a tincture for several weeks. Why in tincture form? Because that was the only form I could find in the store. I drank plenty of water and eliminated everyday trying to tackle the thing. Miraculously, it did not work. Afterwards, came a rolling-stone of experiments. I tried burdock teas and tinctures. It didn’t work. I tried drinking cups and cups of green tea and a combination of mugwort, burdock, and eliminated until my urine got no more color! It didn’t work. I took herbal pills to clean out my liver and drank this tea that definitely says “DETOX” on it. That didn’t work. I got to the point where my body was so drained, I was beginning to lose hope. I was beginning to lose my mind. It felt like I was in the twilight zone!
It was until one obscure night that the answer came to me. Yes, the golden answer was there! WellâÂ?¦ it was written in black ink, but it was there right under my chin. A book I was reading talked about how seaweed can drive the forces of evil metals out and create a better, healthier body ecosystem! “Seaweed?” You may ask. Yes, it is this plant that has been bobbing around over and inside the ocean for god-knows-how-long that will save me! However, I didn’t know that and you may have not known that. It was just a hunch. For the next two weeks, I loaded myself with sheets and sheets of seaweed. Why the seaweed wrappers? Because it was on SALE. After one or two weeks of this stuff for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I felt a remarkable reduction of the rash. Of course, I urinated and eliminated as usual to expel the culpritâÂ?¦ but IT WORKED! So, that is my answer to “How to Cleanse Yourself of Poison Oak”âÂ?¦ Seaweed to extract it, detoxifying tea that makes you pee, and eliminate everyday. Eliminate one to three times a day, but you don’t need to go overboardâÂ?¦.that will be like having diarrhea. It may also help that you do not eat spicy, greasy, rich foods and dairy products. These things will only slow your progress.