How to Combine Two Households into One

Keep the Best and Get Rid of the Rest
To successfully combine two households, it takes a lot of sorting and decision making. Keep the best, and get rid of the rest. For example, if the number of pots and pans you own together is excessive, donate, sell or give away the extras. It does not matter who they belong to or where they came from. Do not keep your personal possessions over your partner’s when trying to combine two households into one. Quality is what matters the most, and cabinets should not be stuffed full just because you paid for something and want to keep it.
Give Overstock to Family Members
I plan on helping two of my sons by giving them things that my partner and I will not need. Sorting out and giving away items that are not needed is a great way to combine two households into one. My kids are just getting started, and my partner and I will not need two dining room tables and doubles of many other household items. The items that my partner and I do not need are worth more to my kids than the small amount of money that we would receive if we decided to sell our belongings.
Consider Hosting a Moving Sale
When trying to combine two households into one, consider hosting a moving sale to get rid of the items that cannot be given away. There are always people in need of low cost secondhand furnishings, decor, cooking supplies and more. The money can be put toward something new, or we can save it for a rainy day. Any money that we receive from selling items that we do not want or need will go into my savings account. We want to eventually remodel the kitchen. We might as well get as much as we can for the items that we do not need while we combine two households into one.
Source: Personal Relocating Experience