How to Compliment a Beautiful Woman

First off, think about commenting on the persons actions over their looks. For example, if you are in a dance setting, compliment the person on their dancing abilities. This may set common interest. Commend the lady your after on what she says or her wit. If she says something funny, say, “Funny Joke.” Or Tell them their ideas are great. These compliments are better than commenting on how her butt looks in her skirt. It is possible to compliment a woman who catches your eye. Talk about her looks where it’s not demeaning to her. These can be on their hair, clothes, or jewelry. When you are complimenting a woman on their style, do it with a sincere smile. If you don’t, your efforts will be in vain. If the approach doesn’t want, just look the other way to prevent any awkward situations.
Try to get creative with your comments to the woman. Don’t use regular “pick up” lines. Most likely she has heard them all before, and yours will seem no different. Try using open ended questions. If you see something you like, ask them where they got it from and go from there. This approach engages them in the conversation and is more willing to give out personal information to you. Many women like to be flattered and swept off their feet. If you develop the skill needed to be kind and sincere to a woman, without being overwhelming, you are calling for success.