How to Connect Laptop to LCD TV Using Power Cords?

You can enjoy internet browsing, movies and stuff like this on the big screen. It is really easy to do because now you have all options to connect your Laptop with LCD TV. There are many different options for connecting LCD TV to laptops such as wireless or wired connection. The wired connection made with the help power cords. Power cords are the external wires which are different types. The cord which is appropriate for connecting two devices is different from other cords. These cords have 4 pins or 7 pins and they are called as S video cables. These cables are easily available in the market or S- video cables also come with LCD TV. Five years ago S- video Cable 4 pin also came with laptops but now they do not offer it anymore.

The Procedure

In order to connect the two devices pin up one corner of the cable to laptop and other to LCD. The Laptop will give the notification of external device attached to laptop. The processing is very much similar to the processing of Mobile attachment. You will transfer all the activities on the LCD TV. Nowadays many different and innovative LCD TV are available in the market. You can enjoy the whole PC experience on the TV.

  • You will give commands in your laptop and the activities will appear on LCD TV.
  • It is really help full when you want to watch a movie on the big.
  • You can also see live streaming on LCD.
  • The live streaming can be of songs, series or movies.
  • The LCD TV also acts as a projector.
  • If you have an LCD TV in your office so, it is really easy to show your documents and presentations on LCD TV rather than laptops.
  • It will be clear and visible to all meeting members.
  • You can make dignified position in your office with unique and innovative ideas.

USB Connections

Wired connection is very old thing though because wireless connections are taking place everywhere. The ultimate way of transferring information from laptop to LCD through a wireless connection is by USB. The USB is a small device which is used as a convertor. It gives the freedom from long and filthy wires. It can be easily placed in your bag no need to carry extra cables everywhere. In order to use USB all you have to do is connect USB with laptop and copy any file you want to share to LCD TV. After that connect the USB with LCD transfer the file and open it on the big screen. You can operate LCD with the help of the laptop.

Cables Are Always In Demand

Though wireless connections do not allow live streaming power cords are the ultimate source of transferring all the live streaming from laptop to LCD. LCD TV is very popular it is a next generation tv experience. By the help of cables you can even enjoy using Facebook, Twitter or other social networking website while sitting on the coach by your LCD.

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