How to Conquer the Fear of Heights

We all have fears. That is just the way humans are built. But some of our fears can be overcome.

For many they are afraid of heights. This fear is called acrophobia. This fear can get in the way of life. It can stop one from performing tasks that needs to be done (climbing a ladder to reach a shelf, to change a light-bulb, to paint) or it can even get in the way of fun (climbing the monkey bars at school, riding many different types of rides at amusement parks, etc.)

But there are steps you can take to help yourself to over come this fear.

First, think about how your life would be better if you could overcome this fear. What would you do that you can’t do now? What do you long to do? Is it something basic like climbing that ladder to paint your house?

Then you need to understand why do you have this fear in the first place? Did something happen to you as a child? Did you fall from a high place? Did you see someone else fall?

How bad is your acrophobia? Are you extremely terrified of taking even one step up a ladder? The degree of your acrophobia usually is gauged on how bad the event was that stirred the phobia in the first place. If the event seems like a huge event your phobia is going to be greater than if the event was smaller. Say you fell off a ladder only by two rungs up and sprung your arm as a child, the event was a small event. Your phobia may only be minor. Now if you had fallen off the top of the ladder and broke your arm, your phobia could be much larger.

Some of the different treatment options for acrophobia are as follows:

Drug therapy: No, there are no drugs that will diminish phobias. There are drugs that may suppress some of its symptoms by using chemicals. But the side effects may be worse that the fear itself.

Hypnosis: Hypnosis can be an effected tool if you do not remember why this phobia began in the first place.

Positive thinking: With this method you are telling yourself that you can get over the fear and it is usually combined with the desensitization method.

Desensitization method. This method is not a quick fix. This method takes time. You just basically take small steps, in this case upward. You slowly make your way up that ladder. One day you take one step upward. You continue this for a few days. Then you add another step. You continue taking those two steps for a few more days. You keep doing this until you make it up to the top of the ladder.

What if you can not do these steps alone? What if your fear is too much to handle? What if you feel faint? Then you may want to face your fears with a professional.

But remember one thing. Your phobia did not begin over night. It became a phobia over time. By the same token, it can not be cured over night. The cure will take time, too.

Patience. Self confidence and learning more about your self is the keys that will help you overcome the fear of heights (acrophobia) or any fear.

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