How to Cool Your Home Naturally – Simple Easy Methods

1). Landscaping. Even in Arizona we have a vast assortment of beautiful trees. Trees, vines, and shrubs can all help to provide additional shade which in turn can help cool your home naturally. Vines grow rather quickly and they provide great shade. Even shrubs can block sun light from hitting the lower portion of the home.
2). Blinds or Drapes– Use blinds or drapes that are light in color. Opt for neutral natural colors, like off white, cream, and light browns. These light colored blinds or drapes help to reflect the suns rays and help to reduce heat coming into the home directly from the sun.
3). Solar Powered Attic fans– A solar powered attic fan can help reduce energy costs by up to 30% or more, especially in the summer months. Heat rises and when it goes into the attic can get really hot. By cooling down the attic this helps the air conditioner to run more efficiently because it won’t have to kick on as often to cool things down. This will also help your air conditioning unit to last much longer.
4). Line Dry your clothing. In the summer months its best to dry your clothing by using a clothes line because running the dryer can bring more heat into the home, and then your AC unit will have to pick up the pace to keep things cool. Preventing the heat from building up is yet another way to help keep your home cool.
5). Invest in wood or tile floors– When you have wood and tile flooring scattered throughout the majority of the house your home will naturally be cooler. These hard surfaces don’t retain heat like carpeting does so they are a must.
6). Invest in windows with reflective coating. Windows with high tech reflective coating work by reflecting light away from your home. Tinted windows are windows with film on them which also help to reduce light from coming in.