How to Cope With a Teething Baby

Well it’s finally happened, what you have been waiting months to see! Your baby is starting to get their first tooth. This can be a very difficult time, not only for the baby but for the rest of the family as well. When a baby starts teething, they are usually pretty cranky and drooling all the time. It seems like all they want to do is chew on everything. Some babies may even have swollen gums, and fever. Most doctors will tell you however that the fever has nothing to do with teething. Although many moms will tell you something completely different. The reason why your little one is so cranky is because they are so uncomfortable. Their gums are irritated and they do not understand what is going on. There are several ways that you can help to make your baby feel more comfortable.

One way is by getting your baby a teething ring. I would suggest getting several teething rings, of different sizes. This will allow your baby to choose which one they like the best, or which they are more comfortable with. You should make sure that it is a soft teething ring. Usually the liquid filled ones work well, they can be placed in the fridge, which will make it cold enough to sooth those irritated gums. Also you will need to make sure that it is easy for your baby to grip. There are a lot of different types of teething rings that range from large to small, if it is too large for your baby to hold, it will be more frustrating for them. Another thing that many mothers have tried for years is ice wrapped in a soft towel.

I personally have used this for my children, and it worked very well on my first, but not on my second child. You will want to keep in mind that all children are different, what works for one will not necessarily work for the other. There are also teething cookies in the store that you can buy to help your little one. These cookies are recommended for children over the age of 6 months, and who have already begun eating solid foods. This cookie dissolves very quickly, usually once it touches their mouth. It’s good that is does dissolve so quickly because this will make it harder for them to choke on it; however it can be pretty messy. I think that the cookies work well because it not only helps your child temporarily relieve their discomfort, but it also works well as a distraction for them. They end up having so much fun making a mess they forget all about their gums.

There are however some babies where nothing at all seems to work for them. This can be especially difficult when trying to get your baby to sleep. If they are really uncomfortable they will have a hard time falling asleep, which will mean that you will not get much sleep either. One way that many doctors recommend to help at nighttime is by giving your little one some Infant Tylenol. I have tried this and it does work to give them some comfort. Although I would recommend you talk to your pediatrician before doing this. And you will not want to give your baby Tylenol every night. Sometimes nothing will work to soothe your little one and you will just have to wait it out. But this is where; family and friend’s can lend a helping hand. You and daddy can rotate sleeping schedules, or you can ask a relative such as your mom, or your best friend to come watch the baby for a few hours so you can get some rest.

Never be afraid to ask for help, and don’t feel that just because nothing seems to work you are not doing something right. In time the tooth will show itself, and you will be celebrating yet another milestone in your little ones life. It has been my experience that it is always harder with the first tooth than with the others. I am not sure why but for some reason, after the first tooth has come in the next ones just don’t seem to be that bad. Again this is just my personal experience, and what worked best for me! Always ask your pediatrician first before trying anything.

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