How to Create Atmosphere and Tantalize Senses on a Date with a Woman

How can you be the best date possible to a special woman friend ? By creating atmosphere. Atmosphere is the most important aspect of our species’ sexuality. Undoubtedly, alot of you have already learned this but consider it trivial. In a woman’s mind though , the ‘mood’ may rank much higher than the act. When developing the ‘perfect’ atmosphere remember to tantalize all the senses. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch.

Sight ; This is where candle light and romance come together, but if it were that simple we’d all be Don Juan’s. Look around the room you intend to entertain in… Do you see clutter, old pizza boxes, beer cans, etc.? If so it’s time to grab a garbage bag and do some cleaning. Next, is there pin up posters, car models and video game cords decorating the space. Hide them ! If only for the night put them out of sight and replace them with greenery, ( silk flowers and greenery can easily be obtained at thrift stores and Wal-Mart ), a bowl of fruit ( which will come in handy later ), candles, and anything else that may represent art without being pornographic. ( Did you know that some public library’s allow you to check out pictures and sculptures?). Lastly, do you have tables in the room, cover them with cloth or something lacey. Perhaps a bottle of wine, in a decanter of ice w/ 2 wine glasses would look better than that empty table. Now give the room one last look over, make sure you have the ability to dim the lights, or revert to candlelight and you are ready to please her eyes.

Sound ; We know you enjoy your evening dose of Disturbed, or Slayer …but for this evening these choices are obsolete. ( although ‘Darkness’ by Disturbed is good candle light music). If this person is important to you, why not put together a mix tape. Of course this is something that will have to be done before hand but it only takes an hour to put together a nice tape. Nice thing about a mix tape is you can make 2 copies ( while you sleep) and make sure to send her home with one, to remember this evening by. Almost every city has a soft rock and a love song station, and it won’t kill you to find them for this special someone. Perhaps you even would like to leave your tuner on one of them as it is sometimes inconvenient to get up to flip a tape over. Burning a CD takes care of this dilemna, but again remember to make 2. You hopefully know this someones tastes, but if not, here are some titles to search for ; Soft rock =Truly Madly Deeply, Runaway Train, Pictures of You, Open Arms, Star Rider, You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. Hip Hop = Too Close, Gangsta’s Paradise, Real Love, I’ll Be Missing You . Another thing to mention, is backround noise. It’s a good night to turn the answering machine on, and the phone off. If you have a noisy computer or aplliance that’s not in use, give it a break for this night . Remember nothing is trivial and we’re creating the perfect enviroment. One more thing, if your pad is frequented by ‘ drop by company ‘, a Do Not Disturb sign works wonders. Lastly, and probably most importantly is remember to compliment your date. Women love to hear sincere compliments, which of course means your looking in her eyes when you deliver them.

Smell ; The main point I’m going to make about smell, is be subtle. A rose doesn’t knock you down with it’s scent, in fact you probably need to get close to it to enjoy it’s fragrance. Keep that in mind when working on this part of the atmosphere. First things first though. If you’re the guy that had to tote out 3 bags of beer bottles and pizza boxes we have a problem to deal with before we go on. You have to make your space smell clean before you can make it smell nice. Pine- Sol is a wonderful product to use while making your mix tape the night before. If you smoke, apply a little to a rag and give the walls, furniture, air vents and hard floors a once over ( Don’t be afraid to rinse out your rag if it turns black ). Once you have the room smelling clean, then you can decide how to make it gently appeasing to her sences. There is a myriad of products to help you with this, just be creative and don’t be afraid to mix a little ( Cinnamon scented candles with an apple insence is an example). If you’re going to burn insence , do it a few hours before she comes over and then you can accomplish the subtle sence i spoke of. Remember this, it is important for the woman to feel as if she decided this night was the special one, and if you’re to obvious it is going to hurt your chances of making it ‘perfect’. Lastly, how about yourself ? If you have been running around, cleaning and preparing maybe it’s a good idea to jump in a shower while the incense is burning an hour or so before she arrives. When you dry off apply cologne ( again subtle ) and maybe a spot of scented rose oil to your collar.

Taste ; This sense is going to be one of the last to appeal to on this special evening. Believe me though it can be one of the most powerful. Have some finger foods ready when she arrives. These can be anything but try to be creative. A few pieces of lunch meat rolled around cream cheese ( requires napkins ), cheese puffs, a trail mix. just try to think of what you have seen her with and cater because remember it’s her night. Remember the bowl of fruit we mentioned in the sight section. Now you’re going to learn how to use it to drive 90% of women out of their minds. I advise to be very careful and respect your love as if she were family, for just this paragraph. Laying besides the bowl of fruit it would be nice if you can find a silk scarf. If not ,any cloth or bandana, made of soft material will suffice. The first thing I want you to do as you pick up the scarf, is ask your love ” Do you trust me? “. Now, this shouldn’t be rushed as her answer will most likely be ‘no’ which will leave you scrapping this section and you’d be on your own for rest of the evening. If you have been a good and patient man though, listened to some music, perhaps enjoyed a glass of wine or grape juice first…then likely she will answer ‘ yes ‘. Gently blindfold your sweety. Not too fast for this will surely scare her. If she hesitates, stop for a second and re assure her…” I care about you, and this is a wonderful surprise, now trust me. ” Now, reach into the bowl of fruit and retrieve an apple, or strawberry, a peach or a tangerine.. What it is isn’t important, but it would be nice if the first few things could be bite size. Now don’t just stick it in her mouth. Remember we have several sences to please and the fruit will help you with all of them ! At first, wave the fruit in front of her nose ( not touching her ) and allow her to catch the scent. Next, lightly touch her lips with it as if you are applying lipstick. Next you might even gently squeeze a little of the juice out on the point just below her nose so it runs into her lips. Then choose another fruit and repeat. The mystery of what you’ll present next is what should soon have her shaking where she sits. I’ll leave the next parts up to you but remember progress slowly, and don’t be afraid to experiment with your love. If this part totally baffles you, then may i suggest you rent a video called 9 1/2 Weeks, a few nights before the big date.

Touch ; If there is any section, I think most men don’t understand it would be this one. Of course it is hard for us to convert from big macho, smashing, hormone based creatures to delicate, butterflies in an instant but women expect this from us. ( Unless of course she arrives with dominatrix gear and a whip at your door, and even then maybe this would be a change she would enjoy ). Again a point to stress, especially at the beginning of this night is Be Subtle. Touching can begin at the moment she arrives but be slow and precise in your movements. You don’t reach out and grasp a ferocious dog quickly, and neither should you your love especially if your attempting to create a night she’ll never forget. When my dates would arrive I would hug them, just for a second and look them in the eyes and exclaim “I’m so glad you could make it”, and release her. Later I might hold her by the hand and exclaim, “let me give you a tour of my place”, leading her from room to room. Later even, I might rest a hand on her knee, as I tell her something about myself. The most important thing to remember here is a look in her eyes when you make these advances. Remember we want anything else to be her idea. The next section perhaps could have been left out, but I’m going to assume it has been a perfect evening. You have let everything beyond listening to music and talking be her idea, and 1 or more of you has began to lose pieces of clothing. If this is the case read on and prepare to be as surprised as she will be. Match her with the pieces of clothing she has removed as you suggest to sit somewhere where you 2 will be comfortable sitting back to back. I know, your thinking that is not what I had in mind, but did you know a woman can be ‘ teased ‘ for up to an hour before she becomes frustrated ( men clock in at 10-15 minutes by the way). A nice carpet or a throw can be perfect for this moment. Sit with your backs to each other and at first tell her “just a second, let us just enjoy the feeling of our breaths and hearts becoming one”. Guys, this is a practice that dates back 3000 years and if you can be patient enough to see it through ( unless she just blatantly demands otherwise ), believe me when I say , you now are on your way to creating a night she’ll never forget. With your backs together do exactly that at first, just feel her heart and her breath while enjoying the music, and candlelight you’ve created. When you feel comfortable, after 2-5 minutes then you can announce; ” Okay let’s let our hands be free “. Remain back to back, but let your hands ( and hopefully hers ) explore the sides ( be careful she’s likely ticklish here ), the thighs ( remember touch not grope, unless she initiates it ), the shoulders, and the hair.

At this point, the energy should be uncontrollable, especially if you held to this position for 10 minutes or more, and well, instructing you what to do with this unbridled passion is another article to be written indeed.

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