How to Create One-of-a-Kind Outfits for Beauty Pageant Competitions

In many pageants, modeling or sportswear competitions are either required or available for pageant girls to compete it. These contests usually include the girls bringing their own clothes. The last thing any girl would want is for someone else to have the same outfit, so boutique, one of kind outfits are necessary. Of course buying one of kind outfits can be quite expensive. You can easily alter existing items to make them your own, here are some tips you can use.

These ideas are also great for girls who just like to stand out in the crowd and love to be original. You do not have to be a pageant contestant to use these ideas. If you are looking for a fun home based business idea and can sew, these tips should stimulate your imagination as well.

Adding gems: Outfits worn in pageants should have some sparkle, especially since they are being seen on stage, which is often from a distance. Some of my favorite outfits are simple jeans or slacks with matching jackets that have been bedazzled or sequined. A simple t-shirt with similar decor and a funky belt and purse finish off the outfit.

Embroidering: Texture and added interest is very important in pageant outfits. Embroidery is a great way to dress up an otherwise plain outfit. Make any outfit your own by taking it to an embroiderer and having any clip art added along with your name or initials. You can further embellish embroider with a few strategically placed sequins. If you know how to embroider, you can create a unique design by hand.

De-construct and reconstruct. You can disassemble and reconstruct outfits to make your pageant outfit your own. For example, take a simple denim jeans and jacket: Cut the sleeves off the jacket and fray both the sleeves and the remaining vest where you cut them. Then re-attach the sleeves using ribbons. This will leave a gap between the torso and sleeves of the Jacket. Wear it with a puffy top with the shirt fabric will poof through the sleeve openings. Cut the hem off the bottom of the jeans, fray it as well, and add trim that matches the shirt to the bottom of the jeans. Another idea is to take two similar Jackets, cut off, and switch the sleeves. Similarly, you can take a denim skirt and a peasant skirt. Cut each skirt at the hip and switch the skirt bottoms by adding the peasant skirt bottom to the denim skirt and the denim skirt bottom to the peasant skirt. This way you have taken to very simple outfits and made two completely original outfits. Your options are endless.

Layering: By wearing one outfit over another, you create a unique outfit for your pageant sports competition with sewing. Turn a fancy dress into a casual dress by putting a cool t-shirt on top. Add Jeans under a Tunic dress of any length (just make the side openings longer), or under a ruffles skirt that is a little too short. Another fun idea is to take a simple solid colored prairie skirt and adding a second, wildly patterned skirt (a few inches to a foot longer) underneath. Similarly, wear a simple micro mini skirt to a long dress allowing the top and skirt to show.

Creative dressing and accessories: Creativity in very important when it comes to pageant sportswear. Use clothing items in ways that they were not necessarily meant to be worn. Take a funky pair of striped or dotted tights and cut off the feet and pantie part. Use the legs as arm warmers and wear them with a simple matching t-shirt. Get a second set of the same tights and turn it into a cool cap. By cutting off the legs about 6 inches down, and tying the leg opening together. Turn a dress into a shirt by cutting it off at the hips. Take the skirt part of the dress and add it to your Capri’s creating a bell-bottom affect.

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