How to Create Your Own Fashion Earrings

All supplies should be purchased by a reputable online bead store. Cheaper pins and wires begin to snap apart when bend too many times. Look for sterling silver for head pins and ear wires. Prices are usually listed on the beading WebPages. The supplies you will need to make your own jewelry are:
Head pins: Head pins are straight pins with a small flat head. Beads are fed onto the head pins.
Ear Wires: Head Wires are where the bead hangs from. You can find bags with enough for 10 pairs of earrings on any bead supply Website.
Beads: There is are a huge supply of exotic beautiful beads from large to small of any style on the Internet. Make sure you choose beads with small holes just large enough to fit over the head pin. Beads usually range in price depending on quality and type. The more different and exotic the bead is the more money you will pay. For example: Hand blown glass beads would be more expensive.
Wire Cutter: This is a necessity. Its function is to cut the head pin to the correct length.
Pliers: Round ends and flat ends. Use whatever style you prefer. I prefer the style with the flat ends. It has grips underneath and holds the wire tighter.
First choose the beads you want for your earrings. Place beads onto the head pin. The head of the pin will hold your beads in place. Continue adding beads until the desired earring length. Repeat with second earring.
Cut wire after you have reached the desired style and length. Cut off the extra wire, leaving enough to curl around a couple of times.
Use pliers and twist the straight wire into a small circle. This works by gripping the wire at the top, curling the wire once, readjust the wire and curl it over again. Do this a few times until the wire is curled into a circle. The size depends on your taste.
Using your pliers, gently open the end of the ear wire where the earring attaches and pry it out a bit so that you can slip the circle end of the head pin through it.
Slip the curled end of the earring’s head pin through the ear wire. Use the pliers to tighten the opening of the ear wire around the earring head pin.
Making charm earrings are just as easy to make. First choose a favorite charm you want for your earrings.
Use jump rings, to attach your charms to three eye pins loading them up beads. Using your wire cutter cut off the excess eye pin.
Bend the wire with your pliers. Carefully bend the wire to a loop, closing it tight.
Once you have three eye pins for your earrings, attach the eye pin sections with jump rings onto each earring finding.
Hanging earrings is another type of earrings that hang beautifully off the ears while creating a dramatic look. (Chinese Turquoise chips beads are what I use to create these pairs of earrings) First take an eye pin, add one bead of your choice to match. Using a wire cutter and cut off the excess pin. Use flat nose pliers bend the piece of wire to the right. Using a round nose pliers bend the wire to a loop, and close tight. Repeat once.
Take a head pin, and add three turquoise chips, using a wire cutter cut off the excess head pin leaving 3/16.” Using flat nose pliers bend the wire to the right. Bend the wire into a loop and close tight. Repeat three times.
Take a pin and add four turquoise chips, using wire cutters, cut off the excess head pin leaving 3/16.”Using flat pliers bend the wire to the right. Using your pliers continue to bend the wire into a loop and close tight. Repeat once.
Open jump ring, add one French hook ear wire and one eye pin from step 1 and close jump ring. Repeat once.
Now we are at the finish line. Use three jump rings to attach two three chip head pins and one four chip head pin to the bottom of the eye pin with the bead your chosen bead and the French ear wire. Repeat once.
Now you have three pairs of earrings you can wear anywhere at anytime and be the envy of your neighborhood.