How to Create Your Own Lightning Bug Jar Craft

Kids of all ages, and adults alike, love to watch lightning bugs. With summer upon us, it is time to enjoy the beauty of lightning bugs in full swing. You can make a fantastic craft to store your lightning bugs this summer.

What You Will Need

To create your lightning bug jar home, you won’t need any fancy or expensive items. In fact, most of the items can be recycled or found around the house.

Begin gathering the items for your lightning bug jar craft. Wash out a pickle jar or jelly jar. Any type of glass jar will do for this craft. Also, wash the lid thoroughly. Jars with a lid that screws on seem to work well for the lightning bug home.

Next, find scraps of colored tissue paper from around the house. This project is a fun way to recycle the tissue paper from Christmas gifts or birthday presents.

Also, you will need a bowl, small paint brush, and a little water. A sharp nail will also be needed to complete the lightning bug home craft.

What To Do

Once your jar has completely dried, it Is time to begin your project. Tear the scraps of tissue paper Into small pieces. Some of the pieces can be larger than others. There are no specific sizes or shapes. Random pieces work well for this craft.

Pour some glue into the bowl and add just a touch of water. You want to thin down the glue slightly. Create a consistency with the glue similar to thick paint. You will use the paintbrush to apply the glue and water mixture evenly.

Attach the pieces of tissue paper to the outside of the glass jar. Place glue on the back of the tissue paper to allow it to adhere. Then, cover the tissue paper with more glue to seal it. Add more pieces of tissue paper to the outside of the jar until it is completely covered. Using various colors of tissue paper creates a fabulous mosaic look. Allow small pieces of the tissue paper to overlap their edges. Be certain that the glue and water mixture is used over the tissue paper to seal it after the jar has been completely covered.

The lightning bugs need air to survive. For this reason, it is important to punch holes into the lid of the jar. Have an adult poke tiny holes into the lid with the nail.

Now, let your lightning bug jar dry completely and you are ready to go. Catch several lightning bugs and place inside the jar. When they glow, the light inside the jar will look sparkling and beautiful.

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