How to Create a White Garden

My sister in law has this magnificent house and in the front garden she decided last year to do an all White Garden theme. She choose the following flowers to adorn the bay windows that she had installed against the red brick house and the look was absolutely stunning:

Sweet Violet the flowers have a sweet scent, the flowers are come in a dark violet or white, she choose the white, and the flowers were in a basal rosette

Trailing petunias, were bright and lively, they bloomed from spring until the first frost, these flowers had a really light fragrance.

Zinnia elegans leaves are opposite and usually stalkless , hers are ovate shape and pure white

Impatiens she bought these because the flowers did not need a lot of light and they did well in the shade when the sun moved from the front of her home to the side.

Hydrangea, these were white Dome, dome shaped, with lacy white blooms

White mini calla lilies with pink blush.

Iris were fan-shaped and contain one or more symmetrical, they had a gentle fragrence

Shasta daisy is a commonly grown th the classic daisy appearance of white petals, ray florets with a yellow disc center.

The beds and borders were easy to maintain, my brother edged the sides to keep the surrounding weeds and grass from encroaching on the beds. They lined the sides with white ornate bricks that they bought from Lowes. They mulched the garden after they planted their plants, this was done to conserve moisture and cool the soil. It also protected the flowers from erosion and runoff. They set the water timer on their outside sprinkler so that every evening around six o’clock the water would come on and water their lawn and garden. They cleared the area of weeks and grass, turned the soil, added a bag of fertilizer to the soil and left it sit for a day or two. When they laid out the bed for the flowers they lined the area where each would go with household flour, then they arranged the flowers from the tallest in the back to the shortest in the front.

The appearance was breathtaking when it was complete. I went back this spring and you could see where the flowers have matured and some have spread. The house looks great.

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