How to Create and Maintain a Stash of Gifts

Imagine being called to ask if you are attending a baby shower or wedding shower but your invitation was lost in the mail? Again, no time to run to the store.
Just about any occasion/emergency you can think of that will require gift giving can be bought in advance. With gas prices and many people choosing to condense all erands into a one day event, it makes sense to start a stash of gifts for most occasions to prevevnt last minute spending as well as fuel conservation.
Here are some ideas on what to have on hand in your gift stash:
Children: Puzzles, coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, activity sets.
Teenagers: Board games, glitter pens, perfume/cologne, journals/stationary, blank CDs.
Weddings: Neutral colored tablerunners, towels, glasses, mugs, clock.
Adults: Pen/pencil set, stationary, coasters, coffee mug, photo album.
Baby: Blanket, bibs, rattles.
These do not have to be large or expensive items. Remember, you are trying to save time and money not to mention precious storage space. The last thing you want to do is have to dedicate an entire closet to your gift stash.
About wrapping paper, choose plain colored papers that can be used for all occasions. Silver can be used for an adult gift as well as a wedding gift while primary colors can be used from young children all the way to teenagers.
The last thing to remember is cards. Many stores have 99 cent cards. You could even buy cards 2 for $1.00 at most of the dollar stores. You could also consider a box of all occasion cards. If nothing else, you’ll have a card on hand to stick some money into or even stop on the way to the party for a fast food gift card.
With a little pre-planning and a small area for a gift stash, you will rest easy with the crisis of last minute gift giving averted.