How to Create and Use Dreamweaver Snippets in Dreamweaver 8

Dreamweaver 8 snippets are used by web designers who design and program often. Trust me, being a web designer and designing all day long, these snippets come in handy and save me time. Snippets make it easy for a designer to save lines of code that they use often and reuse it over and over. Dreamweaver 8 also has some snippets already written that you can use. Snippets would be ideal for things like scripts, headers, and footers. But they can be used for all kinds of things. In this guide I’m going to show you how to create a snippet and how to use a snippet. First we’ll look at how to create a snippet.

To create a snippet, follow these steps.

Open your Dreamweaver 8 program to begin.

Step 1 – Click Windows / Snippets. The snippets window will open. (you will see the snippets that dreamweaver has already made)

Step 2 – Find the text or code that you wish to turn into a snippet and highlight it.

Step 3 – Down at the bottom of your snippet window you will see a plus sign icon, click on that to add a new snippet.

Step 4 – A dialog box will appear. Type in the name of your snippet and a description.

Step 5 – Choose your snippet type.

Step 6 – Choose code or design. This gives you the option of how you want to preview it in the snippet window.

Step 7 – Once you are done with that click ok.

That is all there is to creating snippets.

To use snippets, follow the steps below.

Step 1 – With your snippet window still open, place your cursor on your page where you want the snippet to be inserted.

Step 2 – In the snippet window find the snippet that you wish to install and double click on that snippet to insert it into your page.

And that is all you have to do to create and use dreamweaver 8 snippets. It is very simple and can save you time if you’re designing a big site or use the same code often. Snippets also come in handy when using php, java, or something along those lines to make counters, forms, etc.

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