How to Create the Best Marine Aquarium Possible

For many of us, change is not considered a good idea. We are afraid of change, because of not knowing what will eventually become of this chance or all we think about are the negative results that we have heard before by fellow reefs. This tends to bring up strong barriers that keep us in our complacent happy place. Our memory gets cluttered as a very blurred picture is instilled in our minds leading us to stay in our “safe zone”. What better way to compare and associate this behavior to that of many finalists on TV’s “American Idol”. How many times have we been told by Simon, Paula and Randy as they critique the finalists performance and you hear something like “that was a safe song choice”, or “you need to be different” and “you should have tried to sing your own version of the song to make it different and more personal from the original”. I probably lost most of you by now, so before you go and check your water parameters, let me explain because the quotes, many times voiced, by the judges do coincide with many of us that decide to play it safe, instead of taking the chance that could set your aquarium over the top and make it more enjoyable, entertaining and beautiful. So why try to be different and take the plunge? Why not?! Many people have become financially well off and diligently climbing the ladder of success by taking a chance, not waiting for it to happen.

There are many ways in which one can upgrade, raise the bar so to speak, and make improvements to your aquarium depending on your desires and financial aspirations.

The presence of a protein skimmer, chiller, calcium and phosphate reactor and halide lighting can dramatically improve the conditions for specific animals such as corals, anemones, fish and inverts. These improvements can aid in dissolved organic removal, elevated oxygen and calcium levels and the removal of phosphates the spur unwanted algae growth. The chiller can help maintain ideal water temperatures especially during the hot summer days also helping with dissolved oxygen levels being met in your aquarium.

Yes, I know that housing a collection of mushrooms and assorted zoanthids can make a visually stunning presentation, but think of how diverse and more glamorous your tank could become with species of Acropora, Montipora, Catalaphyllia and other types of soft and stony corals growing and spreading within your aquarium. These corals as they grow and spread will really add an attractive show to your tank and think of the money that you could make by fragging and selling some of your coral frags. Coral propagation is the thing to do now adays as it is becoming a large money maker and successful business and a great way of trading corals!

How about the majority of you that have a main tank but do not have a sump and/or refugium incorporated in it. This presents another great way of expanding your horizons and making your tank that much better. Being able to incorporate macroalgae, small fry, delicate invertebrates as well as concealing large pumps, heaters and skimmers that look cumbersome and take away from the ambiance of your tank, what a great investment!

Anemones and Tridacna Clams can become a great addition to any reef aquarium. Behavioral characteristics combined with color, diversity and fascination can be transferred to your aquarium immediately impacting your tank as a whole. These animals require more risk assessment as they are more delicate than your standard feather duster or snail, but in the end can help you to promote a deeper appreciation for the reefs and a much more realistic presentation of the natural environment with which they are found.

Sea Cucumbers, Sea Urchins, Conch, Cleaner Shrimp and Linkia Sea Stars are classified as those animals that are not very common at local pet shops and in aquarists tanks, for that matter, but add a splash of color and interest. These detrivores are great at removing detritus as well as algae thus acting as a clean up crew diligently maintaining and keeping your aquarium clean.

How about a specialized tank dedicated to a Bamboo shark, Sting Ray, Eel, Jellyfish, Sea horses or Octopus? These are available and with the proper equipment, preparedness and dedication, these truly awesome animals could make a great centerpiece and focal point to any conversation, not to mention the fun and enjoyment portrayed by spending time with one of these animals.

Take the time to research your actions before doing so to afford you the greatest chances of success as well as that of your perspective livestock. Make sure that the conditions are met regarding lighting, water parameters, other inhabitants, tank size and filtration before taking the steps to welcome one or more of these diverse and beautiful animals into your home. If conditions are met and you are dedicated to spending some time to ensure the success of your new addition, the sky is the limit and your tank can only get better as you raise the bar and the standards of your tank.

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