How to Cut Down Your Electric Bill

The time tested methods of tiring off lights and other electronic devices that are not needed or not in use is always a good place to start, but the cost of running a light bulb or even a television for an hour is surprisingly small. For those worried about saving the world compact fluorescent bulbs, energy efficient heating and cooling systems, and replacement windows all can dramatically reduce costs but for the average person struggling to make ends meet the initial expense of new windows and heating and cooling systems is impractical. The use of Compact Fluorescent Bulbs can be purchased for about a dollar each if you are careful and most people can afford this amount a few at a time. As the Compact Fluorescent Bulbs to contain minimal amounts of mercury you may want to be careful where you place them (perhaps skip the kids room and other areas where the bulbs may become broken).
For the rest of us unable to spend thousands of dollars to reduce our electric bill a couple hundred dollars a year, here is some practical advice. Heating and cooling is one of the primary usages of electric. Even if your home is heated by gas electric is used to blow the heat around your home. The sun causes significant warming to our house as its light shines through the windows and warms the sides and roof of our home. This makes it a friend in the winter and a foe in summer months. In the winter open the curtains and blinds and let the sun shine in during the daytime. In the summer keep the curtains and blinds closed and keep that heat outside. Other steps that can be taken include landscaping with plants that will help block the sun from both windows and the sides of the home. While somewhat expensive window films can be bought at home improvement and hardware stores that blocks the heat from the sun from passing through the window with only minimal visual impact (in other words a slight tint).
Other areas to look at to reduce costs include the uses of appliances. Cooking with the microwave (which is very energy efficient) whenever possible is a good idea. Keeping the refrigerator and freezer closed as much as possible will keep hot air from going inside and reduce the amount of energy needed to keep it cool.
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