How to Decorate in Ethnic-Eclectic Styles

It is a relatively newly emerging decorating style and is now starting to get the recognition it deserves. Some have called it Ethnic Eclectic and it is one of the more fun decorating styles to utilize. If you are planning some home improvement, research this style and you might be very glad you chose to do so.

So what is it exactly?

In a nutshell, this form of decorating uses items found in all parts of the world. Any given room may have a Turkish rug with an Italian table sitting on it. There may be German crystal accent pieces and pillows made with fabric from Ireland.

The only “rule” with this type of decorating is to use items you like. If you enjoy African masks or collect German beer steins, they will fit in this type of decorating. Some people will decorate an extra room in this style and call it a “travel room.” If that is your intent, be sure to have a bookshelf with travel books in the room as well as an atlas and globe to give it some international finesse.

Where will I be able to find items to decorate the room?

–There are many import shops located in most areas now.
–Online auctions are a virtual treasure trove for this kind of decorating.
–Check fabric shops for exotic looking material if you will be making curtains or pillows for the room.
–Shop at yard and garage sales when you see them.
–With the popularity of the internet, it is possible to shop for items from every country and region in the world. Often places in the United States will sell those items so that you will not have to pay high shipping for ordering direct.

How do I get started?

One of the first things you will be doing is planning your colors. This includes things such as your floor covering or treatment and your wall colors, wall paper, etc. When you have made decisions on those matters, it will be time to choose your window treatments. Will you be making the curtains, buying them, or buying the fabric for someone else to make them? You will discover that often finding fabric for the curtains in an Ethnic Eclectic or themed decorating project is much easier than finding the “perfect” pre-made curtains or drapes.

Another thing for which you may want to choose fabrics is the accent pillows that will be placed around the room to give it a cozy feel. Pillow forms can be bought in many crafts and fabric stores and this kind of craft project is considered among the easiest to do.

Be sure that your walls and floors are finished before you start adding future and other items into the room. You will not want to take everything out again to put a carpet in the room when you find one, or cover everything up when you decide to paint the walls. It is much easier to have those things finished first.

Also while starting to think about how you will want the room set up, take a moment to sketch out a floor plan showing the things you plan to buy or things you already have. It will be good to know how much space you will have available for your venture.

What are some specific ideas for my room?

Plan for most of the items in the room to be in this eclectic style. One example is your lamps. What region of the world would you like them to represent? Often a lamp in the style of a South American piece of pottery, or one with a southwestern look fits well in Ethnic Eclectic rooms.

Bamboo pieces often look great in an ethnic eclectic room. If you want a sort of tropical look to your room (think Caribbean Islands) you may want to buy a faux palm tree for one of the corners and install a bamboo ceiling fan.

Posters will often accent a room such as this. Whether matted and framed or unframed, there are prints and posters available of many world destinations and they fit perfectly into a room of this kind.

Any particular objects to look for?

There are certain decorating pieces that will look good in a room of this type no matter what else happens to be placed around the room. A few of these items would include:

–A Chinese fan on the wall
–Egyptian busts or statues of pharaohs
–African masks
–Medieval knight’s suit of armor of any size
–Old world globe
–Oriental rug or area rugs

What if I want more continuity of theme in the room?

Themed rooms are absolutely as much fun to plan as those of the ethnic eclectic variety. The example used previously, of the palm tree and bamboo fan could be expanded to include wicker furniture and island music on the stereo to make a personalized tropical retreat.

Ideas for themed rooms and what to put in them:

1. History themed room. Decide on whether you want a particular era in history to be highlighted, or just all time periods in general. Accent pieces will be easy to find and may include some of the following:

Statue of a knight in armor (they are available in tiny size to full size)
Old-type radio from the depression years
Medieval looking tapestry for the wall
Roman bust on pedestal
Depression glass
Painting of historical events
Victorian or Colonial style furniture

2. Heritage themed room. This room would be a tribute to whatever bloodline you have in your background, or a mix of many of them. If that is German, or British, or African, simply look for items from those cultures. Accent piece ideas for your room:

Native American and Southwestern items
Dream catchers
German beer steins
African masks, busts, tribal items
Model ships commemorating immigrant ancestors
Family tree chart for the wall
Vintage photographs of family members for display
Celtic objects

3. Vintage themed room. The end to decorating ideas for this theme is limited only to your imagination. Decorate with things from your childhood . . . or your parents’ childhoods. Accent piece ideas for your room:

Small jukebox
Old record player and actual vinyl records (think online auction)
8 Track player and tapes
Movie posters
Your favorite old lunchbox for a shadow box (again, auction)
A few of your favorite childhood toys sitting around (yes, you got it, auction)

4. Travel themed room. Decide which places in the world you want to be represented and then look for items and prints, etc. from that place. Accent piece ideas for your room:

Old world globe
Suitcase with travel stickers
Mural of any world area you choose. Many are available
Statues and models of icons (Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty, Tower of Pisa, etc.)
Captain’s Wheel for the wall
Post cards in a collage or arranged on a bulletin board
Oriental rugs

5. Tropical paradise themed room. This will most likely turn into a retreat for yourself or family members. Your colors for this room should be muted blues and greens for the ocean, and also the colors of the sunset. Accent piece ideas for your room:

Palm tree plant
Bamboo torches and furniture
Prints or posters of tropical flowers
Ceiling fan
Sunset mural
Tropical bedding if it is a bedroom
Straw mats for floor
Shell items
Lighthouse items

No limit to what you can do!

In this type of decorating, there are truly no limits and whatever you wish to have in the room will fit in just fine. If you plan to have a television set in the room, be sure there is a DVD or VCR also. You will then be able to start a collection of movies to fit the theme, era, or part of the world you have chosen. The same goes for music and starting a music collection to complement your chosen theme.

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