How to Eat a Zone Breakfast

A great and nutritious breakfast is not a bowl of cereal or a donut dunked in coffee. All you have to do is remember what your grandmother said. A heathy breakfast should include a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

When Mike first read about The Zone, a diet or lifestyle that balances out these three food groups, rewriting what the USDA considers nutritious. The current USDA food pyramid is still setup along the same lines that grains and starches come before vegetables or fruits. In the old days, a mother who didn’t insist that her children finish their peas just wasn’t a mother. It could be argued that those parents were looking for more of an image as a mother than looking out for the health of their children.

Sure, our knowledge of the nutritous values of certain foods are so much more advanced then they were in the 1950s. We’ve cured ailments that baffled most doctors of that time. But, it’s a fact that those poor souls suffering from cancer today have a better fighting chance to beat the black tumors in their bodies when their doctors prescribe healthier meals, including vegetables instead of the standard breads that they’ve been so used to eating over the years.

The glucose you find in grains and starches – not including whole grain – causes so many afflictions in the human body that even some of the doctors today can’t believe. Mike couldn’t believe what he was reading in the book, called The Zone, and then, Mastering The Zone, written by Dr. Sears. He wrote in his book that we gain more, longer lasting energy from eating those correct carbohydrates. When a person eats those grains and starches, he or she can have a rush of adrenaline, followed by an even faster drop in energy. Such an imbalance can damage or ruin a person’s pancreas. This can lead to diapetes.

Mike tried this diet for 4 weeks, and in that month, not only did he lose weight, he was starting to feel like he could do more throughout the day. He made himself a balanced breakfast. It was so filling, Mike couldn’t even believe how much his stomach hurt. He felt like he had never eaten so much in his life. After everything was digested, he felt like he could run a marathon. Mike was that pumped.

The best ingredients for the best breakfast can be found at any grocery store. They are as follows:

*1 cup egg whites, 1 cup whole grain oatmeal, 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce, and 24 peanuts.
*1 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 1 cup unsweetened applesauce, and 24 peanuts.
*3/4 cup egg whites, 1 1/2 slices of lowfat or fat free cheese, 1 cup cubed honeydew or cantalope, 24 peanuts.

Of course, you can always subsidize any of these ingredients; such as 4 tablespoons of slivered almonds for the peanuts. For other recipes consult The Zone or Mastering The Zone or even better, Dr. Sears’s Eating in The Zone. Eat right and enjoy your new found nutrition.

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