How to Encourage Muscle Growth

Someone with an Endomorph body means that you have a large frame, you will be big boned, with wide hips and find that gaining weight comes far too easy for you. You’ll also be able to build muscle growth easily but will have trouble keeping it as muscle and not fat. You’ll need to have a good exercise program to encourage the muscle growth instead of watching the pounds add up.
If your body type is Mesomorph you already have a body that easily gives you the muscle growth you are looking for. As a matter of fact you naturally bulk up. All you need for continued muscle growth is to decide you want it. Then design yourself an exercise and diet program and watch as you develop the body you desire.
The final boy type is the Ectomorph. This is the skinny guy who can eat anything and not gain an ounce. Putting on weight is hard work for you and muscle growth is even more work. You can do it, but it won’t come easy. Although many people are a combination of these body types as a general outline they give you an indication of how easy or difficult it will be to gain the muscle growth you want.
Many people will find that exercise is not enough to reach their goals. What you eat and how much of it also play an important role in muscle growth. Protein is the most significant muscle enhancer of all the nutrients. Found mainly in meats and dairy, protein transfers what you eat directly into muscle growth. The benefits of protein are so well known for this advantage that many muscle builders use protein supplements.