How to Fill an Easter Basket for Your Child

The first thing you should do, is go out and buy a basket for each child. What color basket you ask? Buy the basket in your child’s favorite color, if your child is not old enough to have a favorite color, then it is your call. Be sure to buy plenty of grass, for the basket in a co-ordinating color, as well.
Children ages 0 to 1 year of age, need an Easter basket too. Of course they wont be old enough to remember it, but that is what the camera is for. Filling an Easter basket for a child one year of age and under, is lots of fun. I would start with age appropriate toys, perhaps teething rings, and rattlers for the younger ones. Also bibs, and a first stuffed bunny, are good selections for the babies. For children closer to 1 year of age, I would include age appropriate toys, perhaps training underwear, with the child’s favorite character on them, for the toddler that isn’t quite potty trained. Age appropriate candy, is always a favorite, a cute little stuffed bunny or duck, and maybe a special toothbrush, to get your child started with good oral hygiene habits, early.
Filling an Easter basket for Children ages 2 to 3 years old, isn’t hard at all. When filling an Easter basket for a child of this age, choose crayons, and color books. Buy them some water color books, for a variety of activities. Play doh, is always a good Easter basket filler, as well as rubber duckies, and toys for the bath. Children this age love to play in the bath tub. Blowing bubbles, is another favorite of this age group. Don’t forget the age appropriate candy, and the mandatory stuffed rabbit! You will have a blast filling your child’s easer basket with love and care!
Easter baskets for children ages 4 to 6 years old, are always fun to fill. Children of this age are very interested in being read to. Perhaps you have a routine of reading a bedtime story to your child. Now is as good of time as any to add to the storybook collection. Choose books with your child’s favorite characters in them, and introduce new character’s to your children with new books, in their Easter baskets. Don’t leave out the coloring books and crayons, as well as the age appropriate candy. You can even throw an age appropriate toy or two in there. Little boys this age are all about toy guns, and the little girls love to play dress up. Also include a fluffy stuffed bunny or duck for your child’s Easter basket.
Children age 7 to 10 years old, love to find Easter baskets on Easter morning filled with care. If you have a daughter in this age group, now is the time to introduce her to a diary or a journal. Be sure you write the first entry in her book, and explain to her what it is for and who it is from. Chances are this is something she will keep forever. Don’t forget to add stickers! Perhaps include a new purse, or some fashion jewelry, in her Easter basket. A few hair accessories would be nice too. You could include a jump rope as well. If you have a son that falls in this age group, he might like a new video game, or a new basket ball, or football. You could even put a baseball and glove, in his Easter basket. Maybe even include a baseball cap. Whatever you decide, don’t forget the chocolate bunny and the jelly beans. Kids this age like the stuffed bunnies and ducks as well.
Filling an Easter basket for children ages 11 and up, may be a little harder than the others. Since this may be the last Easter basket before you make a decision that they are too old for one, go ahead and go all out on it. For the boys you could get them a skateboard, or an age appropriate movie they have been wanting. The girls may be surprised to find a little age appropriate, play make up, finger nail polish, and even a nice manicure set. If your daughter is old enough, perhaps, a curling iron or hair straightener, is something she may want. Most kids this age still love stuffed animals, and candy, so don’t forget to add those! Maybe your kids have been asking you for something else? Go ahead and indulge them a little, they are only young once, and the Easter bunny only comes once a year.