How to Find Free Firewood

Winter is upon us and it is awfully cold outside. As we stay snug as a bug indoors, we shiver to think of the high cost of our energy bills. Even using budget billing seems expensive. Many people are turning to other ways of heating their homes this winter. Burning wood can be an option for many to help save money on heating and energy costs. A little manpower can go a long way. Finding free or inexpensive wood is the key to keeping costs low. Here are some helpful tips to find the wood you need at a price you can afford.

Ask Around

Always let people know that you are looking for wood. Like when you are hunting for a new job, networking can really make a big difference. The more people you tell, the more leads you can get to find the wood you need. Tell your family and friends you are in search of wood to cut or buy for use this winter or next. Let them know you are thinking ahead to next year, as well.

Free Advertising

You may even consider putting up a sign on local bulletin boards at church, grocery stores, or other places of interest. Get the message out there that you are willing to remove old or dead wood for free. Doing a service for someone will help them out and get you free wood at the same time.

Put an ad on a website such as or similar sites. Such places that get interest locally will be your best bet. People will quickly contact you with free wood for the taking. If you can haul the wood away, you may be able to tear down old buildings that are unwanted to use to burn. This option can be dangerous depending on the condition of the building and the type of material, so do be cautious. Choose your wood carefully before removing or burning it.

Field Work

Farmers often have large fields with small patches of woods between them. If you can travel to rural areas, ask the local farmers if they need their fence rows cleared. Frequently, farmers welcome someone coming in and clearing out the fallen timber or brush surrounding their fields. The fallen trees knock down their fences or scratch the machinery as they go through the fields. Make arrangements to clear out this area for them while the crops are out of the field. Your time may be limited to cut the wood, but this is an excellent way to get stocked up for firewood for the winter.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead for winter seems like an old-fashioned idea, but it can really pay off. Even If you don’t have enough wood to use all winter long, every bit helps to defray the increasing energy costs. Start looking now for wood to use next winter. Whenever options present themselves, take advantage. Store and stack the wood ahead of time so it will be ready when you are.

Think Outside the box

If hunting for wood and cutting it down isn’t for you, then think outside the box. Many companies use products that arrive on wood pallets or skids. Ask around your community to see if any of the companies would allow you to have the broken or damaged skids to burn as firewood. Again, consider the material the pallets are made from. Often, this will give you a great start. Sometimes, you can stumble upon a pallet maker in your area. A local company that makes pallets may offer the scrap wood for a discounted price. This scrap wood is perfect for use as kindling to get your winter fire burning.

Free or inexpensive wood can be yours for the taking with a little planning, effort, and manpower. Take advantage of the opportunities in your area and save a bundle on your heating and energy costs this winter and in years to come.

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