How to Find Your God Spot

God made everybody different and most folks seek a spot where they feel closest to God in their own personal way. For some this is a quiet church. Others like a green pasture or favorite nature spot. Still quietness is avoided for those who cherish worship where rock and roll music blares out. It is perfectly acceptable to find your God spot where communication with God feels most comfortable.

What Is Your God Spot?

The place where you feel a real presence of the Lord is your God spot. This place can be anywhere, and your personality helps determine where it is best for you. Country people might go outdoors where there is solitude. City dwellers could feel God around plenty of other people. People in crisis might find God during an accident. It is best to find a God spot before that.

A regular place to discover God with prayer and reflection will give you guidance. It is important to pick a place to do that or it can be many different places. Much like you may share a favorite patio with your spouse for special talks; find a place to soak in special talks with God.

Don’t Let Others Mess You Up

Some people think God talks with them to tell you what to do. Even your parents, your minister, or those close to you who mean well can actually hurt your relationship with God. You customize personal devices such as a cell phone or computer the way it makes you feel best. Personalize your relationship with God for your needs the same way and not to please others.

My best friend committed suicide. He suffered from depression and had to adjust his medications for this. However, he was in a church where the members including a counselor gave him bad advice and created guilt for him. He should have escaped this group of people and found a less judgmental place for his public God spot. Where you worship and have relationships with others can be very harmful as well as a good God spot.

Pick Your Special Place

I have two special places that I claim as my God spot. One of them is a beautiful section of my backyard where I walk the dog most everyday. This place is where I might just say a quick hello to God like a friend. Other days I spent more time in prayer.

The second place that is my God spot is in a church that took me a long time to find. I feel comfortable there and love the organ music. In the past I was told that I should like a church where the music makes you want to dance and shout praises. That is not for me, but it may be for you.

Pray without ceasing” is a quote from the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Much like your phone or computer does not cease being online for communication, your God spot can be anywhere, and prayer can take place instantly without worrying about signing on or dropping the call to God. Select a special place where you feel close to God, but remember anyplace can be a good God spot.

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