How to Find a Job Using Online Employment Agencies!

One of the largest online employment Web Sites in the United States has 17 million resumes listed for potential employers to peruse and some 800,000 jobs listed for the unemployed to consider. Surveys have indicated that up to 96 percent of people in some countries search for jobs using the Internet. However, research compiled among professionals from 40 different countries shows that only 5 percent of the job seekers among them actually find work using online employment agencies.

Posting your resume online increases the number of potential employers who know you are looking for a job, but caution is needed. It also increases your chances of becoming a victim of fraud. To protect yourself from this fate, industry experts provide the following advice:

1. Read the privacy policy of an online employment agency before you post your resume with them. Some job sites sell your personal details to mass-market companies or other interested parties.

2. Post your resume with only a handful of reputable online job sites. It is vital to protect your personal information to prevent its being misused. Your resume should never contain the information a thief would need to steal your identity and cause you endless financial trouble. Legitimate employers o don’t need to know your bank account number, credit card number, or exact birth date.

3 Beware of vague job offers. A researcher with the World Privacy Forum, says that the more general the offer, the less valid it usually is. Wording like, We have thousand of jobs or We work with major companies is a read flag. Also requests to send in a new copy of your resume can also be a sign of trouble.

Keep in mind even the most reputable online job sites cannot control what happens to your resume once it has been downloaded by a potential employer or other interested party.

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