How to Find a Leak in Your Roof

Discovering the roof is leaking is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. A new roof is quite costly, and repairs are not exactly cheap either. If water is allowed to continually leak in, walls and floors can also become damaged, so it is important to find and repair a roof leak as soon as possible. Locating the source of the leak can be rather difficult since the point at where water makes its way in is not usually the exact point of the opening in the roof.

It is not always necessary to get on the roof to find a leak, but if you are willing to get on the roof, you may be able to complete the repair yourself. If you are sure on your feet and you are not afraid of heights, you can save yourself a considerable amount of money. The following information will enable you to find where your roof is leaking so you can take the appropriate measures to repair it.

Begin at Ground Level

It is not necessary to immediately get on the roof to find the damage. Use a quality pair of binoculars to inspect the shingles and flashing. You might be able to discover the location of the problem without putting yourself at risk. Stay on the ground, and take your time doing a thorough visual inspection. With high-powered binoculars, there is hardly anything you cannot see on the roof that you cannot see from the ground.

Common Areas to Check

More often than not, when a roof leaks, people automatically think the problem is with the shingles, but in many cases the flashing around skylights, dormers, chimneys, vents, and areas lining valleys are to blame. Check flashing carefully before assuming the leak is caused by faulty roofing material.

Attic Search

It is easier to find a leak if your home has an attic. Next time the sun is shinning, go into your attic with the shades pulled and the lights off. Examine the ceiling for pinpoints of light. If you find an open area, push a nail or another object up through the opening so it can be located again on the outside.

While it is raining, or while snow is melting, carefully examine the area of the leak inside the attic. Try to find a trail of moisture running down the roof deck. This could help you pinpoint the exact location of the leak and enable you to repair it yourself.

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