How to Get Most Out of Your House Plan

Do you want to get the most out of your house plan? It can be a costly investment and the beginning of a long line of costly investments. In many ways it’s your most important purchase. This article investigates the various ways you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your house plan. It’s divided up into the following three parts:

1) Floor Plan Simplicity Makes Convenient Living
2) Livable House Plans Must Fit Your Location
3) Pre-Designed Home Plans Meet Expectations For Less

1) Floor Plan Simplicity Makes Convenient Living
Possibly the simplest and most functional floor plans are designed for farm house layouts, encompassing a simple four room per floor plan. The second floor is typically a repeat of the first floor, although some alteration may be made depending on the family’s needs.

In most cases there will be a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom on the lower floor with a bathroom and three or four bedrooms on the upper floor. Two of those bedrooms could be combined into a larger one to hold three upstairs rooms, if the family needs one extra large room for their personal needs.

While most two-story floor plans will have one bathroom over the other for ease in plumbing installation, it is also possible for bathrooms to be at opposite ends of the house. This will increase installation costs as well as repair costs later on, but individual floor plans are for the convenience of the homeowner and not the plumber doing the work.

These floor plans typically have a door at the front and back of the house, but the floor plan will allow the first floor to have a circular traffic pattern. Ease of getting from one room to the other allows traffic to flow from room to room without causing congestion in a busy household. Moving from the kitchen to the dining room or to the family room makes mealtime easier while segregating the living room from any noise associate with kitchen activity.

On the upper level, the bathroom is typically located closest to the master, or larger bedroom, for the convenience of the “master”� of the house. Often times, if the floor plan will allow, a half-bath can be placed at the other end of the upper level to allow more convenience of the rest of the family members.

2) Livable House Plans Must Fit Your Location
When the time comes that you are ready to build a new house, the lot on which you build will influence the house plans you choose from. While your taste in designs will play a key role, where you build will ultimately be the deciding factor.

As much as you may want a rambling ranch house, if the lot is too small you will have to go up in your construction to attain the room you want your home to have. Most home designs may be flexible, but you cannot alter a one floor ranch house into a two-story cape cod. You will have to choose another set of house plans.

Another consideration of choosing house plans is the future salability they offer. You may love the house and its floor plan, but at some point in the future there is a good chance that it will be on the market. Designs you build into the house now may prove unattractive to potential buyers in the future and you either settle for selling it for far less than you think it is worth, or remain living in it.

You family’s lifestyle also offers an indication of the type of house plans you will review. If you enjoy outdoor activities, easy access to your yard or deck will be essential. If you want your privacy, your house can be placed on the lot so as not to open windows through which others can see. Maintaining traffic flow inside the house is also essential, but so it traffic on the outside of your house.

Having an outdoor access to your basement area without the need to re-enter the house’s main floor, can help keep yard dirt out of the house and make life simpler for those who enjoy their time spent working and getting dirty outdoors.

3) Pre-Designed Home Plans Meet Expectations For Less
Some of the most sought after home plans are those that combine flowing living spaces as well as unique layouts that can make your home stand out from all the rest. While you can use software to design your home plans on a home computer, these programs do not take into consideration possible zoning issues and many will not spot mistakes in construction methods.

Many companies offer the benefit of pre-designed home plans in a variety of floor plans, and while these can save you money in the short term by offering the convenience of the ready-made home designs, they may not be exactly what you are looking for and changes may cost a minor fortune. Not all home plans may be appropriate for your available lot, and you may find yourself with home plans which are difficult to adjust.

Livable home plans are those that offer enough space for your family’s style of living as well as the potential to grow with your needs. You should also have the ability to plan for additional construction if the need arises. Your outdoor living should also be part of your home plans. Access to you home and its interior should be easy as well as secure.

To have the best of both worlds, you need a company that offers a wide variety of prepared home plans along with the ability and willingness to adapt the plans to fit your needs and ideas. A company that can look at your lot layout and know whether the home you have selected will fit the land, and if not, what changes in the land or the home plans will be necessary.

Custom home plans can be expensive and time-consuming; however, they do give the owner precisely what they are looking for, within set parameters. Pre-designed home plans can offer the same benefits for less money and in less time.

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