How to Get Rid of Bad Refrigerator Odors

Getting rid of bad odors in a refrigerator can be a nightmare. Rubbing and scrubbing might remove the stains, but the bad smell often lingers. Bad refrigerator odors become embedded deep within the plastic, and depending on the source of the odors, they can be very difficult to get rid of.

Bad odors in a refrigerator are often caused by electrical failure or an accidental unplugging. Before realizing what has happened, spoiled foods can turn a clean and fresh smelling fridge into a putrid box of horror.

You can try bleach, lemon juice and commercial cleaning products and still not get rid of bad refrigerator odors, but don’t despair. There is help for those with a smelly fridge. There are several proven ways to get rid of bad odors in a refrigerator. These methods of getting rid of odors are very easy and inexpensive.

Before giving up on your smelly refrigerator, consider trying the following methods of getting rid of bad odors. You have nothing to lose but a bad lingering smell!

Cleaning Before Deodorizing

Before attempting to remove bad refrigerator odors, it’s important to thoroughly clean the interior of the refrigerator. When cleaning any electrical appliance, turn off the appliance, and unplug it before cleaning.

Baking soda and warm water will effectively clean and help deodorize a refrigerator. Simply dissolve about ½ cup of baking soda in a sink filled with warm water. Take out all shelves, bins, and any other removable parts. Wash and rinse the parts, and thoroughly dry them before replacement.

Don’t forget to clean the drip tray beneath the refrigerator, and use caution during removal. The drip tray might be dry, but more than likely it contains dirty water. Remove the grill beneath the doors, carefully pull out the drip pan, and dump the contents. Deodorize the drip pan by soaking it in baking soda and water after cleaning.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are useful in a number of ways, and coffee grounds are very effective at removing bad odors in refrigerators. Simply place dry coffee grounds in a couple of shallow bowls, and place the bowls on different shelves in the refrigerator. Don’t expect bad odors to disappear immediately. Allow a few days for the coffee grounds to absorb bad smells.


Charcoal is also great for absorbing bad odors, and charcoal won’t just cover up smells. Charcoal is used for insoles, filters, and charcoal can be used to freshen the fridge. Simply place several charcoal briquets in a couple of shallow bowls, and place the bowls on different shelves in the refrigerator. The charcoal will immediately start absorbing bad odors, and in a few days your fridge will smell clean and once again fresh.

Baking Soda and Vanilla

Almost everyone knows that baking soda is great for absorbing refrigerator odors, but baking soda alone isn’t always enough to get rid of really tough odors. If your refrigerator smells exceptionally bad, mix about ½ cup of baking soda with a tablespoon or two of vanilla extract. Place the bowl on the bottom shelf of the fridge, and after a few days the baking soda and vanilla mixture will effectively and completely remove bad smells.

I made the mistake of unplugging a small refrigerator that I mainly use for canned drinks and bait. The drinks were gone, but a container of worms remained. Leaving the worms behind was a huge mistake. The worms died in the container, and by the time I noticed, the fridge smelled terrible.

I cleaned the interior with baking soda and warm water, and I placed a bowl of baking soda and vanilla in the bottom. After just a couple of days, the putrid smell of dead worms was completely gone, and the refrigerator I once thought was beyond help was completely odor-free.

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