How to Get Rid of Bugs and Mosquitoes Near Your Home

Spending a quiet summer afternoon on your deck, patio, or porch can be a relaxing experience. But when the bugs and mosquitoes start buzzing and biting it can make you want to run for shelter, ending your peaceful solitude. From the use of bug sprays to pesticides there are many ways you can try to stop the bugs. But, many of these methods don’t work well if at all. If you want to enjoy the great outdoors without getting eaten alive here are some tips you may find helpful.

Eliminating a Sustainable Environment
First things first; all bugs and mosquitoes need two things to survive; food and water. If you can get rid of these two elements you can greatly reduce your bug problem. Because water is the life force of all living things it is not unusual for bugs and mosquitoes to breed near a reliable source. To eliminate this possibility get rid of all unnecessary water sources around your home.

Dump out and turn over wading pools when not in use and do not allow water to collect in empty containers, flower pots, and gutters around your home. If your water table is high install adequate drainage around your home to stop water from pooling in your grass when it rains. Keep your outdoor pool clean and cover it when not in use.

Secondly, you have to eliminate the food supply so bugs and mosquitoes are not able to sustain life near your home. Place garbage in tied bags and discard into trash cans with lids. Keep your trashcans away from sitting areas outside your home. If you compost, make sure the heap is at least partially buried and covered by some sort of box with a lid or inside a trashcan. For compost it is best to keep it far from your home, as it will naturally attract bugs and mosquitoes.

What Attracts Bugs and Mosquitoes?
Most bugs and mosquitoes are attracted by moisture, sweet smells, and sweat. When enjoying the outdoors avoid dousing yourself in heavy perfumes or colognes, and wash your legs, arms, and hands frequently. Although citronella candles claim to stop bugs and mosquitoes they often do not work well because the carbon dioxide released by the flame attracts them. Instead use a citronella spray or oil that does not have to be burned.

Because most bug sprays don’t work it is best to wear protective clothing when enjoying the outdoors. Avoid dark colors because most bugs, and mosquitoes are attracted to them. Whenever possible cover exposed skin with long sleeves and pants. If you still find it necessary to use bug repellant try a natural or organic type because they tend to work better and longer than most commercial brands. Avon’s Skin So Soft also works very well and is safe to use around children and pets.

When enjoying food and drinks outdoors there are also some precautions you should take. Use lids on beverages and put away unused portions of food immediately after you are finished eating. By following these tips you should see a drastic decline in bug and mosquito populations around your home. So get out there and enjoy the great outdoors while the weather is still warm!

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