How to Get Rid of Cat or Dog Vomit Stains on Carpeting

Begin with Dry Paper Towels
Get rid of cat or dog vomit stains by beginning with dry paper towels. Pick and dispose of all solid matter. Once anything solid has been removed from the carpeting, triple dry paper towels, and press down on the stain to soak up any liquid. Repeat this process until no more moisture can be absorbed. More than likely a stain will remain, but you can get rid of it with the following easy steps and ingredients that are far less expensive than pet stain products.
Clean White Rags and Cool Water
After soaking up as much liquid as possible in an effort to get rid of cat or dog vomit stains, run a clean white rag under cool water. Saturate the vomit stain, and dab up the water with a dry rag. Repeat this process with additional dry rags until the water blotted up is no longer stained. It may take several rags to get rid of cat or dog vomit stains, and even still, a slight discoloration may remain.
Finish with Baking Soda
Completely get rid of cat and dog vomit stains by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda over the wet carpeting. Allow the baking soda to absorb the clean water and any remaining stains and odor of cat or dog vomit. It may take as long as two days for the baking soda to dry completely. Once the baking soda is dry, vacuum it up along with any remaining discoloration pulled out of the carpeting. Brush the fibers of the carpeting with your hand to blend the area with surrounding carpeting. More than likely the cat or dog vomit stains will be vacuumed away with the baking soda.