How to Get Rid of Mold and Mildew Stains on Popup Camper Canvas

Mold and mildew stains on the canvas of a popup camper might be caused by a leak, or mold and mildew stains on the canvas of a popup camper could be a result of closing the popup camper before the canvas was allowed to completely dry.
Mildew is a type of mold that grows and thrives in humid hot locations. No matter what the reason is behind the mold and mildew stains on the canvas of your popup camper, be rest assured you can remove the mold and mildew stains from the canvas effectively, efficiently, and easily.
There are a number of methods for removing mold and mildew stains from the canvas of a popup camper. The following tips and suggestions for removing mold and mildew stains from the canvas of a popup camper will help you get your popup camper looking like new once again.
Precautions to Consider Before Attempting Mold and Mildew Stain Removal
The canvas of a popup camper is treated with a water repellant formulated especially popup camper canvas, and you don’t want to ruin the waterproof property of the canvas. Be very careful when choosing products to remove mold and mildew from the canvas of a popup camper. When in doubt, consult your owner’s manual for manufacturer recommendations. Consulting the manufacturer first is always the best course of action before resorting to alternative cleaning methods.
Bleach is great for removing mold and mildew from hard surfaces, but products that contain bleach can permanently damage the canvas of a popup camper. Don’t use products containing bleach or other strong chemicals to remove stains on the canvas of a popup camper caused by mold and mildew. There are other options that will help you safely and effectively remove mold and mildew stains from the canvas of your popup camper.
Begin by Drying and Brushing the Canvas
Before using any product to remove mold and mildew stains from the canvas of a popup camper, start by drying the canvas in direct sunlight. The sunlight will dry the canvas, and it will kill any live mold and mildew spores.
After the popup camper canvas is completely dry, brush the mold and mildew-covered canvas with a wisk broom or other stiff brush. Vacuum the canvas to remove the dried mold and mildew, and continue with a cleaning method suggested by the manufacturer of your popup camper, or you can try the following homemade canvas cleaner.
Rubbing Alcohol Solution
After brushing and vacuuming the canvas of your popup camper, mix a solution of half rubbing alcohol and half water. Test the solution on an inconspicuous area of the mold and mildew-stained canvas. Simply apply the rubbing alcohol solution with a white cotton rag, and if the solution does a good job and doesn’t compromise the canvas in any way, continue cleaning the rest of the mold and mildew-stained canvas.
Waterproofing Popup Camper Canvas
Don’t make the mistake of buying waterproofing products from your local home improvement or hardware store if the canvas of your popup camper is no longer completely waterproof after cleaning. Although these products might claim to be good for waterproofing fabrics, they are not specifically designed for waterproofing the canvas of a popup camper. Consult the manufacturer of your popup camper if the canvas requires additional waterproofing due to cleaning and removing mold and mildew stains.