How to Get Rid of Your Closet Clutter

One of the most disorganized places in the home is the master bedroom closet. People are less likely to keep that area clean because they know other people are not going to be coming into their home and checking out their closet. Keeping your closet can actually be a simple process if you know how to approach it. I am going to teach you how you can take that clutter closet and turn it into a place that is clean and organized. The following are some helpful tips as to what you can do to start organizing your closet.

Evaluate one clothing or shoe item at a time. Go through your clothes and shoes and ask yourself when was the last time I have worn these shoes or clothes? If it has been a year or more since you have worn them then get rid of it. Don’t even give that item a second thought. Avoid persuading yourself by saying, “I kind of like it and I might wear it again.” The fact is you might wear it one more time but the time after that could be another few years, which really isn’t worth letting it clutter your closet.

Store anything that is not clothes or shoes somewhere else. I have seen people put all sorts of stuff in their closet such as books, toys, boxes and other items. Find a different place for those things. They should have their own storage area.

Organize your clothes according to seasons. Your closet will look neater when only a certain area of it is touched during the year. For example, one area in my closet has summer clothes and the other area has winter clothes. I never have to touch my summer clothes during the winter leaving that area looking perfectly organized. It’s also nice because I don’t have to dig through the clothes to find something to wear for that particular season. What else I like to do is organize my clothes by color. It makes the closet look like a rainbow and it also helps me to find a certain color outfit quicker.

Purchase a closet organizer. This is not a must but it can help enormously in making your closet look neat. A closet organizer usually comes with shelves, hanging rails and shoe storage area. I bought one and really like the way it makes my closet look.

Selling your unwanted clothes and shoes. Now that you have selected what you don’t want don’t just throw it away make some money with it. Sell it on Ebay or at a consignment store near you. Take the money you made and use it to purchase clothes you need or towards a closet organizer. I bought a couple of new outfits and a shoe rack with the money I made. Selling my clothes and making some money was a special reward for me for getting rid clutter closet in my bedroom.

These tips have helped me and I think will help you too. If you have any suggestions of how to get rid of closet clutter write to me. I am always up for hearing tips that have helped others get rid of their closet clutter.

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