How to Get Stains Out on the Cheap Side

Everyone of us has had stains on our clothes, childrens clothes, upholstery and carpets. Whether it was grass, grease, food or just plain dirt. Hold up that pair of jeans and see the grass stain or the bloody knee stain that wasn’t htere before? How do you get it out? In this household we try to save as much as we can. Here are some tips that may help.
1. Dingy white sheets, towels, tee shirts that have that yellowish hue to them, easy fix, throw four aspirins in with the warm wash and the whites will brighten up. If they are really dingy let the aspirin sit in the warm water with the laundry detergent and the warm water and clothes and they will brighten up.
2. Another whitening trick to use to brighten your clothes, add about one half cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle
3. I found that I can use plain old Ivory Soap on some stains, if you get to them fast enough, rub a little Ivory soap onto the stain and toss it into the wash, the stain usually comes out.
4. Fill a spray bottle with two parts water and one part amonia, spray it on the stain, (colorfast test first, use an inside seam to assure that the colors won’t run), spray on the stain and the stain should wash out.
5. There are times that when you start to treat a stain, the stain may start to run, or spread, try setting the garment, stain side down on a clean white washcloth, treat the fabric from the wrong side it will force the stain off the fabic an onto the wash cloth. Should do the trick.
6. Grass Stains are always a chore, try addiin one half cup of powdered dishwashing detergent to your regular laundry deterigent it should help get rid of the stain.
7. Grass stains on jeans, sponge the stain with rubbing alcohol and let it dry, theen wash as usual
8. Grass stains on cotton dress slacks, apply shampoo or Murphy’s Oil Soasp with a toothbrush, then wash as usual.
9. Dingy collar, rub a little bit of shampoo into the collar then toss into the wash
10. Eliminate mustard stains by scrubbing them with a solution to two parts water and one part rubbing alcohol