How to Get Your Home Ready for Bed Bug Treatments

It’s hard to get rid of bed bug infestations because bed bugs can hide in the most amazing of places. In order to kill bed bugs, insecticide needs to come into direct contact with the insects. By getting your home ready for professional pest management treatments, you greatly increase the chances of insecticide reaching elusive bed bugs.
The only way to get rid of a bed bug infestation in your home or business is to get at least two bed bug treatment applications from a professional pest management company. In order for the company to best help you, you need to get your home or business ready for their arrival. The company should also give you a list of instructions that you are to follow.
Clean Up Clutter
Although bed bugs are not attracted to clutter, clutter does give bed bugs hiding places and places where to lay their eggs. Clutter also makes it difficult for the pest management company to access places where bed bugs hide, such as sideboards and floor boards. Make sure your home or business is as clutter-free as possible.
Move Everything Away From Walls
How to get rid of bed bugs is make it easier for the exterminators to access walls, sideboards, window frames, the backs of furniture and anywhere bed bugs can hide. Pull all furniture at least six inches away from the walls. If you have furniture like a wall bed or a work station that is attached to a wall or a floor, let the exterminators know. You or they may have to disassemble the furniture.
Strip Beds
Strip all beds and wash the bedclothes. If the pillows are small enough to fit in your washer or dryer, wash them, too. Use hot water and dry on high heat. Place all clean bedclothes and pillows in resalable plastic bags so they will not be infested once treatment begins.
Wash All Clothes
Remove all clothes, towels or linens from closets and drawers. The exterminators will need to treat these areas. Wash in hot water and dry in the highest heat setting. Wash all clothes and place them in resalable plastic bags. If you have curtains or drapes, remove them and wash them, too.
About Mattresses and Furniture
Unless your mattresses and furniture are torn and falling apart, you usually do not need to throw them out because of bed bugs. Ask your pest control management company for details on specific pieces.
What About Pets?
Pets should be removed from the home during treatments. Keep larger pets like dogs and cats at a kennel during treatments. Your pest management professional will tell you when it is safe for the pets to return. Empty and replace all cage bedding for small animals.
Remove Drawer Contents
Remove all contents from drawers and either throw out or place in resealable bags or bins. You do not want the pesticide to get into contact with your food, toiletries or prescription medicines or you could get sick.