How to Get Your Home Stocked Up for Winter

When it comes to getting ready for winter, your list of things to do should include getting your cabinets winter ready. There are certain must haves for the winter time no matter where you live. Often, when a winter storm hits you will find yourself confined to the house and in some cases the roads may be blocked. Some have even been able to make it to the store only to find it closed due to the weather. These are situations that tend to occur during the winter months. This is why many find it best to take the time to prepare in advance. So what items do you really need to stock up on during the winter months?

The first thing that you need to do is make a lit of the items you need. Start with each room. Remember that not just the kitchen cabinets need to be stocked up. You will also need bathroom supplies as well. For the bathroom you will need at lest a months worth of toilet paper and paper towels. You will find that buying these items in bulk will save you lots of money in the long run. You should also do the same for your bathroom cleaning supplies unless you make your own homemade cleaning supplies.

Now you can move on to the food necessities that you need in the kitchen. Make a list of canned food items that you need. This list should include beans, water and canned fruit. You should also add seasoning and spices to your list. Whatever items you use on a daily basis to create your meals is what you need to stock up on in your cabinets. You should have at least a one month supply of these items. You don’t have to buy the items all at once. As you get closer to the winter months you will begin to see certain items on sale. This is when you will need to stock up on those items. For example canned goods will usually go on sale two months prior to the start of winter. Take advantage of these sales and stock up on the canned goods that you need. When you see that paper towels are on sale or you have a coupon , stock up. Instead of buying just one buy several this way you will have an additional supply. When you go back to your regular weekly shopping trip you can still purchase these items. This will keep your stock supply from running out.

You could also try growing your own vegetables in your home. You will be surprised to find out how much money growing your own fruits and vegetable indoors will save you. You will see that you have an endless supply of items for the winter months. Growing your own vegetables indoors will save you time and money since most vegetables only last about a week unless you buy canned vegetables. There is nothing wrong with canned, but fresh sometimes makes all the difference with certain recipes.

Make sure that you also stock up on batteries since you never know when you may lose power. I have found that buy purchasing rechargeable flashlights that don’t need batteries can be a huge money saver. Also don’t forget to stock up your freezer for all of the great tasting frozen items that families love. You should also take the time to stock up on snacks, especially if you have kids. You never know when a snow day will pop up.

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