How to Get Your Windows Clean and Streak Free

I have to tell you a story of how I found the best solutions to clean windows. I was helping my mother with her house work and I noticed her patio door really needed cleaned. I grabbed the paper towels and proceeded to try and find some type of window cleaner. My mom did not have window cleaner and I recalled someone telling me to try to use a mixture of vinegar, Dawn dish detergent, and water. Since my mom had these items I figured I would try it “What did I have to lose”. I added about 1/2 cup of apple cedar vinegar, a small drop of Dawn dish detergent mixed with warm water. I took a regular cleaning rag washed down the patio window and wiped clean with paper towels. I cleaned both inside and outside of the patio windows. At first, it seemed a little streaky but as it dried up I could not believe my eyes. This patio door was the cleanest glass doors I’ve ever seen in my life!! I was truly amazed with what I was seeing.
I actually couldn’t wait to go home and clean ALL of my windows with this mixture. I was honestly looking through the cleanest glass windows even in the morning when the sun started beaming through the kitchen windows it was like they were glass free. I also cleaned my sliding doors and I was scared that my cat would try walking through the glass. The neighbors dog came up on the porch and tried to get the cat and actually hit his head on the glass.
Forget about trying any other gimmicks that you hear this truly works well and is very cheap and rather mess free. Considering I have uses toothpaste and shaving cream in the past.
So grab your scrub bucket, apple cedar vinegar, and a drop of Dawn dish washing liquid. A scrub rag for washing the windows and paper towels for drying the windows. Remember after you add the vinegar and a small amount of Dawn dish washing liquid, fill the buck half ways with warm water. Lightly scrub the windows with the solution mixture and wipe dry with a few paper towels.
Keep them SHINING!!!!