How to Get Your Yard Ready for Spring

Get rid of the weeds.
By weeding your lawn in the spring, you’re not allowing the weeds to produce thousands of seeds. Buy a weed killer to get ride of the weeds before they crop up on your lawn. Weed killers make the process much easier than the old days of getting on your knees and pulling them out one at a time.
Get out the rake.
It’s important to rake out the dried grass and weeds that has taken up residence amongst the live grass. If you’re planning on seeding your lawn then this is absolutely necessary to ensure that the seeds will take root in the soil. If you still have leaves sitting on your lawn from a late Fall then this is a good time to get them up.
Tend to trees and shrubs.
Chances are, since the weather was cold through the winter season you haven’t had the opportunity to walk around your lawn and work on the trees and shrubs that have overgrown or been damaged. Take this opportunity to scale back trees limbs that have been damaged from storms or snow. The damaged branches should be trimmed fairly close to the base of the tree. Also, trim down the shrubs or bushes so they look neatly groomed and manicured. This is when your yard will start to take shape again for the spring.
Deal with the soil.
Winter is extremely hard on your lawn. The soil hasn’t had a chance to breathe and get water down into the roots. Start by aerating your lawn so that it loosens up the soil and then spread a little moss with a rake. Aeration allows greater movement of water, fertilizer, and air and stimulates healthy grass. It’s best to do this when your yard is wet.
Walk around and see where you have bare spots that you need to reseed. If you’re not completely sure what kind of grass you have, dig up a sample and take it to the nearest nursery or even ask a gardener in the area. During this soil test you’ll learn if you need any other materials to help get your lawn ready. Start the fertilizing process so that your grass with grow well during the spring season. As I mentioned earlier, reseeding will produce a thicker strand.
Those are just a few ideas on how you can improve your lawn for the spring. If you’re not familiar with the lawn care process then I recommend consulting with a gardener or landscaper for best results.