How to Get a Clean and Safe Home?

How to have a clean,safe home?

Most of people think of safety only at the place of job due to the legal regulations. When we reach home, it is considered a safe place. we can make home sweet home by taking precautions in every room of the home.This tips will help us to keep our home clean and safe.

Bathroom Nuances

On the back part of the toilet you see the glass cover over the flush mechanism in most residences. I leave two bottles of cleaner like the ones in the kitchen. Every time I use the toilet I make it my obligation to spray and wipe down the seat of the toilet and the upper rim. To clean the bathroom floor I use bleach like the kitchen floor. After I brush teeth I make sure spat out toothpaste is wiped off sink counter area. After I shave I check to see that hair stubble is cleaned away. If relieving myself results in a foul scent in the air I light a scented candle or spray a scented aerosol product in the area.Do not keep electrical appliances in the bathroom. They must be kept away from water. Put a nonslip surface in the bathroom ,tub, shower. Put solid handles or hold bars fixed with strong screws. Use glazed glass only. Thermostat can help to avoid burn due to hot water.

Kitchen Nuances

Ever watch a kitchen floor build up grime from spills,grease,and tracked in dirt from outside? Most floors become lab candidates for agar dishes in germ swipe tests.

A clean kitchen floor is a two step process; simply sweep the floor down as needed. Afterwords fill an industrial standard bucket with hot water and 1 cup of bleach and wipe the floor. Let it dry. Congratulations. You have contributed to efforts on stamping out a myriad of mold,mildew,staph,and other assorted infections getting canceled out. Where should you dump the dirty water bucket? I pour contents down the toilet.

Get the garbage out often. Do not let trash spill on floor. Leftover food goes down sink in waste disposal machine. The refrigerator scenario is based on this modus operandi; outdated items,unusual growth in containers,food that smells funky-all denotes it is spoiled and unfit for consumption.Use knife to cut away from the body parts. use cutting board for cutting meat or vegetable. Do not store or wash them with other items. Use only holding pad or tool to remove pan from range.

Vacuum Carpeting and Venue Quality

There is nothing like a scent of a well vacuumed living room or carpeted bedroom. The rug carpeting holds in dirt and odor. A regularly scheduled vacuum run assures that dirt and loose hair trapped in the carpet fiber is gone.As an aromatherapist, I especially enjoy cleaning my home with the help of aromatherapy. I am not talking about the synthetic smells you purchase in the grocery store, but using pure essential oils. Even if you think the oils are a bit expensive for using around the home, keep in mind that you only use a few drops for each cleaner you make. For instance, if you walk into the front door and your home does not have a pleasant smell, you might put just a few drops of Clary-sage or lemon to give clean smell and a relaxed atmosphere. To freshen the air add about 8 drops of essential oils, either a combination or just one of your favorite to two cups of water and spray into the air. letting the spray fall on the curtains and carpet. To give an example of a mixture: Geranium 4 drops; Lavender 2 drops and Rose 2 drops. Remember that the oils are anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral, so you are killing germs as well as cleaning the air. The oils are complicated in their chemical make up, so each oil will have its own germ killing properties. Some more, some less. You can do like the hospital in Israel do and use the essential oil of lemon diluted in water to clean and kill germs found in your bathrooms and kitchen. After making your mixture to clean cabinet tops, sinks, tub, commodes, add a bit more water to your cleaning bucket along with some extra oil and use it to mop your floors. If you hand wash your dishes, add a few drops of grapefruit oil to the morning wash, lavender to give you a nice afternoon lift and perhaps jasmine in the last dish washing of the day. It is a good feeling to know that not only are you keeping a clean home, you are helping the environment by not using all the spray cans that most cleaners are in. After all this work, take you a relaxing bath by adding a few drops lavender and rose to your bath water. Make a spray with lavender and water and spray your pillows and sheets with a light mist, and be prepared for a wonderful nights sleep; wake up relaxed and ready to face the new day.

BABY ROOM: Never use plastic cover on the crab mattress. The sides and latches of crab should be secure and strong. Wheels should be oiled.

:The bedroom should have night lamp. The way to bed and door Must be Without any furniture, shoe, cloth, or wire. Light switch Should be near the entrance. Keep the doors closed to avoid smoke entering the room In case of fire.

So What IS The Point of a Clean Residence? A Home is a place where we live our life fully by spending time with our family members. In order to live a happy and peaceful life we need to keep our surroundings clean.To keep your home clean and safe from today’s environmental pollution, dust daily, wash your floor mats & curtains once in 15 days, make sure to have some scented fragrance in your living and bedroom. Be aware of all the electrical fittings and keep a check on it regularly (this avoids the major havoc). At last do some interior decorations and this make your home look good and you can also feel the goodness of your Sweet Home forever.

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