How to Get on Food Stamps in Massachusetts

Getting on food stamps is much easier than most people think. If you can pass up the embarrassment of paying for food with food stamps, it is definitely a smart option for anybody in financial distress.
So you are probably wondering how to get on food stamps in Massachusetts. There are a few different ways to go about it. The most expedient way to get on food stamps is to go down to your nearest Department of Transitional Services (this will be where welfare and social security are located as well) and meet with a case worker. The case workers are trained to expedite the process of putting you on food stamps so with their seniority you will not have to fill out as many initial forms to get on the food stamps as you would if you apply on your own. Your case worker will ask you to fill out some information about your income, marital status, housing expenses and people living with you including any children or dependents you might have. The process is pretty quick. You simply show a valid ID to prove that you are indeed a United States citizen and fill out the forms and that’s it. This quick process will not get you on food stamps permanently but it will at least give you an emergency card, which is usually good for two months. Either way, a notice will come to you in the mail requesting more information and additionally, alerting you as to how much you are receiving per month and when the benefits expire.
Another way to get on emergency food stamps in Massachusetts is by obtaining a food stamps application form, which can be found on the internet, filling it out and mailing, faxing or taking it in person to your local Department of Transitional Services. The easiest way, especially if you are disabled or working during normal business hours is to download the PDF form online, print it out, fill it out and mail it in. With this option, the government is supposed to respond on average about two to three days later and you may get your food stamps within seven days if you do the bare minimum as well as meet the qualifications. The bare minimum is printing your full name, social security number and a signature on the form. The qualifications are that you must have a lower total income and assets than your monthly housing expenses, your monthly income must be less than $150 with less than $100 in a bank account, or you have less than $100 in a bank account and are a migrant worker.
Many people are under the misguided notion that holding a job disqualifies you from getting on food stamps. This is not true. As long as you fulfill the qualifications listed above you may still be eligible.
Finally, to get on food stamps for a long-term basis, you must eventually send in a few important items to the Transitional Services Department. These include, if applicable:
*Drivers License, birth certificate or proof of identity.
*Utility bills or lease to prove you are a resident of the state.
*Proof of unemployment, workers comp, or other proof of unearned income
*Pay stub from the past four weeks showing income before taxes
*Copy of any payment from any tenants living with you who pay you rent
*Alien registration card or other immigration documentation for non-citizens
*Most recent bank account statement
Additionally, to improve your chances of getting a higher amount of food stamp benefits, you should provide the office with housing and utility costs, medical expenses, child care or adult dependent care expenses and/or child support payments you are required to make.
That is basically it. Follow the links provided in the resources to find the Massachusetts government link to the information needed to get on the food stamps and take it from there. Good luck!