How to Get on MTV’s My Sweet Sixteen Show!

They basically follow you around with camera’s throughout the entire planning process, and even at the party itself. You will definitely be the star of the show on this particular day. At the age of sixteen this is exactly what a sixteen year old girl wants. As parents it is our job to make sure we look out for their best interest. So make sure you read the fine print before actually agreeing to this. In order for a young girl to apply you would need to email the MTV staff at You will then need to be as animated as possible in your description of what your party is going to be like. Make sure that you actually discuss this with your parents first. You do not want to have them agree to put you on the show only to find out that your party is not going to be the extravagant at all. You have to explain to them exactly why your party should be one of the very few that gets selected to appear on MTV. Remember there are millions of sixteen year old girls around the world, who apply to be on this show on a daily basis. But only a very few actually will get to appear out of this large group.
Also do not think that just sending an email is the end of the qualifying process. It definitely is not. They will want to screen you and your family first, and make you sign a dozen papers. They will not allow you to be on the show if you do not have your parents or guardians consent. And trust me if your party turns out not to be very interesting, I am sure that they have no problem pulling the plug. So if you think you can be selected go directly to immediately after reading this article and sign up.