How to Get on Wheel of Fortune

Each week they have a different theme that they audition for in the adult group, which is why you should make sure that you check the website on a regular basis. For example, at the time of writing this article they are looking for contestants to appear on their Armed Forces Week. This means that in order to complete the application you have to be an active member of the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy or Coast Guard. In addition to the weekly themes, there are several other requirements that you must meet. First of all you can not have appeared on any type of game show within the past one to ten years.
This would include dating shows, and reality shows. But don’t despair if you do not fit into their current weekly theme, their will be a new one the following week. If you are in college however you can apply separately since their is a different form for college students to fill out. They usually have a special week each month set aside for college students, but you can apply at any time. They will verify however that you actually do attend a college, so make sure that you are honest. For those teenagers who are interested in appearing on the show during teen week, then you also have a separate form that you can submit. You have to be between the ages of 13 and 18 and currently enrolled in High School. Make sure you also get your parents permission before you submit the online form. You can not appear on the show without it.
Once you have submitted your online form, then you just have to sit and wait to see if you are one of the people that gets contacted. Usually you are allowed to submit a new application on a monthly basis. If you are an adult (over the age of 18) and are trying to get on one of the themed shows then I would highly recommend that you fill out an application on a weekly basis, or every time that they post a new theme that you qualify for. If you are called then you will of course have to go through an audition to see if you are the right fit for the show. So try not to get too excited if you get a call for an audition, it does not mean that you have made it onto the show yet. Also keep in mind that wheel of fortune does travel around to different cities throughout the year. You can check the website to see if they will be coming to your area soon. If you wait until they come to your location to apply then you may have a better chance of getting an audition.