How to Give Your Dog an Enema

But seriously folks, giving your dog an enema really is not that painful, for you or them, and you may actually have to do it at some point so you should probably learn how before the time comes. This method that I am about to describe here probably is not the only way to do this, but I have found it to be the easiest way to give a dog an enema.
There is not much in the way of supplies that you are going to need in order to perform a dog enema, but here are the basics: soapy water, 1000cc bulb syringe, vaseline, and towels. These are all common items that you may be able to find around your house. It can get a little messy, though, so you may want to be prepared with some extra cleaning supplies.
So first things first, you are going to want to place your dog into the bathtub and secure them to the tub faucet. Try to get them to relax as much as possible and then get yourself comfortable. Next, go ahead and fill a 1000cc bulb syringe with slightly soapy lukewarm water.
You will then rub some Vaseline on the syringe part of the bulb syringe and then fully but gently insert the syringe into the dog’s rectum. Once the syringe is fully inserted go ahead and gently squeeze the bulb so that the water starts to enter the dog’s rectum. You will need to keep doing this until enough water has been used so that a bowel movement will be able to be induced. This is a judgment call as the amount of water needed will vary depending on the size of the dog. That is why you should inject the water slowly.
After you are finished injecting the water you will then need to place one of your hands flatly on the dog’s abdomen a little in front of their hind legs. Make sure your dog is comfortable and relaxed and then begin to apply pressure to the dog’s abdomen by squeezing the abdomen with your hand. The water should then discharge from the abdomen and will usually immediately result in a bowel movement.
You see it really is not as bad as it sounds and it is not to difficult. When the time comes do not be afraid to give it a try. One suggestion, though, you may want to take your dog out for a walk afterwards just in case he still has a little more business that needs to come out.