How to Handle Criticism as an Author

The inevitable criticisms that come with the prestige of being called an author could very well be thought as an author’s worse nightmare. How can anyone not be negatively affected by comments and articles that seem to be so harshly written against an author? It’s easier than you might imagine.

The most famous authors have received terrible insults, have been ridiculed, talked badly of, had horrible articles written about them. How do they handle this? You might say that being an author and in the public, this type of thing is bound to happen, and they must deal with it. This is true. But how do they deal with it?

If you are hoping and planning to be published one day, to be an author, you must learn to deal with the critics. It’s easier than one might perceive it to be.

Let’s start with the nasty email and letters. You go to your mailbox or check your online mail. What do you see when you open the mail? Terrible words, from someone saying all sorts of bad things? Or do you see an angry, jealous person who wants what you have, yet has not attained it? Think about it. Does the person that has written such bad things know you? Or are they simply striking out in a jealous rage? When they down you, are they really downing YOU? Or would you say they are projecting they own inner feelings and lack of publishing success?

If you keep in your mind that the people that want to criticize you do not even know you, and that they are simply writing something due to their immense jealously at your success, then you can laugh the criticizers off. So they say bad things about you. Is it REALLY about YOU? No, it’s not. Remember it’s nothing more than jealousy at your success.

Handling criticism also builds your character. If you intend to be published in the “real world”, you absolutely must be able to handle the criticism. It will come! If you cannot handle it, you’ll never make it in the writing business. You will never be able to please everyone all of the time, so don’t waste your time trying. There will always be someone telling you that you cannot write, that you do not know what you are talking about, etc. Who is right? Those few that say you cannot and are aweful? Or those many that let you know that you can? Easy answer!

Allow those that critique you to offer you their gift of help. Much to their amazement, they are actually helping you a great deal with each bad criticism they give you! How? By getting you ready for the real world of publishing. By toughening you up, giving you the power you need to succeed!

How does getting bad comments and criticisms give you power? Easy! Each one you get is like another battery charge! To get more is actually better than getting none. While these people think they are hurting you and humiliating you, they are actually ENCOURAGING you to keep going, because their jealously only shows that you are on the right track, and that you CAN do it! It shows that you DO know what you are doing, and that it is GOOD!

When those inevitable criticisms come, take heart and thank the person that sent it or wrote the bad article about you. They have NO idea how much they are helping you, and NO idea how much encouragement they have given you.

If nothing else, remember this one thing. You MUST be able to handle criticism in order to make it in this business.

For those adoring “fans” that have helped me along, given me so much encouragement and help, I thank you. I could never have come as far as I have without them. They have indeed been my biggest and best help!

Handle criticism with your heart. Allow it to build you up and take you closer to your dream……being an author.

The graphic that is with this article is not what you look like, absolutely not! Rather it’s what those that criticize you look like because they cannot get to you. (Grin again here).

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