How to Have Fun in the Snow

I love the snow and looking out my window and seeing that noones stepped into it. It is so pretty and such a cold time of year. No I do not like the coldness but seeing the snow laying there is so pretty. When I was a kid I use to go out there and make snow angels and decorate my own snowmen with scarfs and carrots and mittens.
It looked so cute to me at the time. NowI am older and go out in the snow wiht my own kids and make very nice snowmen and we have so much fun decorating them together. It gives us something to do and gets us out of the house for a little while.Theres alot to do in the snow time in and oudoors. If you want to do things outside in the snow time you can:
Make snowmen and angels
Sleigh riding
If you want to have fun indoors instead than you will have to do:
Arts and crafts
Homemade ornaments, decorations
Bake cookies with the kids
Enjoy some hot cocoa and a movie
Tell stories by the fireplace
Clean your house or some closets
Make popsicles
The good thing about winter is that you don’t have to go out too much. Its a good thing when you just want to stay home and clean and do some organzing. I know that kids want to be out there but my kids are toddlers and I don’t liek them being outside for no more than 30 minutes or so. I personally do not like the cold weather and do not like getting sick.
There are things to do if you want to do them. If your a parent like myslef and want to be outdoors than reant some snowshoes and take a hike in the woods. Do not go too far remember this is snow and cold. Just take a little hike and go on a nature walk. Let the kids have a snowball fight and bring your mittens. In the winter we need layers of clothing, coat, mittens, hat, scarf, boots, and socks. If you are going to be outdoors make sure you have a cell phone in case of an emergency.
Do not leave home without your mittens. This time of year if you are not bundled up you can get sick and get frostbite.