How to Have Great Phone Sex

Whether your sweetie is thousands of miles away or you’re seeking a safe yet anonymous hook-up, phone sex can be very satisfying. But how satisfying it is depends on how well it’s done.

Before you begin moaning and groaning over the phone, be sure you have the right equipment. Don’t rely on your phone’s speaker phone feature. It’s bad enough that you have to listen to your coworkers drone on about quarterly results over a speaker phone, but you really don’t want to deal with the brief cutouts and ambient noise that come with using this most dreaded feature of every office. Get a good headset. Web sites such as or offer a wide variety, both wire-bound and wireless. (Whether or not your headset is wireless will depend on your existing phone and personal preference. But any headset, so long as it is compatible with your existing phone, should work fine.) By using a headset, you also keep your hands free. (No, I am not going to explain why that is important. I shouldn’t have to!)

Of course, great phone sex also requires heightening the passion as much as possible. Since the other person is not physically there, you don’t have the same sense of touch, nor do you have the visual appeal. The visual appeal can be overcome, of course. Whether the other person is Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now, exchange some intimate photos by email before your session, if possible. I wouldn’t advise using a third party service, such as or even, since most of these services forbid obscene or pornographic material. Of course, if the phone sex is with a fairly recent hookup, you may not care whether you are looking at that particular person or not. If that’s the case, you may want to visit, or your favorite porn site, so the visual aspect is there.

Remember that much of the emphasis will be on your voice. Now is not the time to worry about what your neighbors will hear. Now is the time to see if you can get the whole city to hear what you are doing!!! In regular person to person contact, non-verbal communication is 95 per cent of the communication going on between any two people – even those not having sex. With phone sex, you’re going to have to remember that your voice, your breathing – all of the vocal noises you make – are making up for the 95 percent of communication that is now missing. Don’t hold back! Breathe it, scream it, say it, sing it, and don’t worry about how silly you sound. In the heat of passion, you won’t sound silly to the other person at all. And who cares what anyone else thinks?

Lastly, you may want some additional help, for yourself, to compensate for the fact that your partner is not physically there. You may want to visit an online store, such as Good Vibrations ( to provide the proper stand-in. Not only will this make it more enjoyable for you, but it should also be easier to make some really hot noise for that person on the other end of the line!

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