How to Have a Look Similar to Jessica Simpson

Who doesn’t want to look like Jessica Simpson? Well, it’s not possible for all of us but if you have similar features as Jessica – blonde hair, dark eyes, and beautiful smile – it’s possible that you can enhance your style to favor hers, with a little makeup, hair and clothing tips.

Follow certain beauty routines to begin having the Jessica Simpson appearance. Teeth whitening is a must, since her teeth are blinding-white. She also takes advantage of a service most people have in their town: spray-on tans. Visit a salon or spa in your hometown to get the tan which is sprayed on like paint. The tan looks much more natural than temporary tans from bottled products.

Jessica has very blonde hair and that’s part of her everyday appearance. She’s known to wear her hair up, down, pulled back in clips, or pulled into a tight bun. It’s not unusual to see Jessica’s hair showing dark roots, right down the center. The wind-blown look is one of her most frequently worn styles, done by curling the hair on large rollers or large hot iron, then allowing it to just hang free. If your hair is thin or limp, try volumizing products to give hair that extra fullness. Jessica also favors a French braid that goes from the crown area, all the way down. If you have short hair consider extensions, which she also wears at times.

Jessica Simpson has a fresh look of pink hues along with very dark eyes. Use lots and lots of volumizing mascara, very black, on top and bottom lashes. Apply eyeliner to the bottom lid, just above the eyelashes, after the mascara has been applied. This gives a kind of racoon-eyes look that Jessica wears often. Foundation should be light if you’re using the sprayed-on tan, or medium if not.

Uses medium shades of pink to color cheekbones. Other shades to choose are peach, barely plum, or rose. These are also good shades to choose for the eyelids, as well as violet or lighter shades of purple. Or, choose a medium pink shade of powder blush for the eyes. Shades of brown or gray are acceptable for the eye lids on more demure days.

Jessica looks fabulous in pink lipsticks of a light to medium shade. Plum colors are okay as long as their translucent and light. Darker pinks are great for nights out on the town. Avoid red, brown shades, or really dark colors. Jessica’s natural look is one of a full bottom lip and lesser top lip, so if you have thin lips, you may want to choose a darker shade for the bottom lip, to make it seem fuller.

Jessica’s wardrobe includes everything from jeans, mini-shirts and boots to strapless gowns with short trains. Avoid frumpy outfits with excess fabric or over-sized clothing. Jessica loves shoes and chooses many open-toed numbers with her outfits. She also is often seen wearing boots of all types. Her jewelry choices are understated and elegant, such as a simple gold chain or diamond pendant.

So you don’t have the talent or prestige that Jessica Simpson has – that’s okay – you’ll get noticed and feel great when you copy some of her techniques for hairstyle, makeup and outfits.

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