How to Have a Safe and Fun New Years Party at Home

First for the fun, if you are having a lot of people over you may want to put up anything that is special to you and breakable as when people drink they tend to stumble and you don’t want a precious item broken. Have lots of different kinds of music to suit everyone’s taste. You could have a karaoke machine set up for people to let lose and have fun. A deck of cards would also be nice and even a DVD Scene It Game would be nice for those who like to play.
Make sure to have plenty of drinks and snacks on hand so no one has to leave to get more. Have sodas and coffee available for those who don’t drink and the designated drivers.
Now to make sure everyone gets home safe let everyone know they must have a designated driver or a taxi coming to get them. If some one is driving themselves and planning to drink let them no ahead of time you will be taking keys when guests arrive and they will not get them back without a sober driver. If they have no one to drive let them know they will be spending the night, if they do not agree to this tell them that you would prefer they didn’t come as you want everyone to get home safe.
All of us knows someone who when they drink a little they tend to want to argue and this can ruin a great party so to keep your party fun and fight free either do not invite those you know who do this or let everyone know you will not tolerate fighting and if you have to you will call the law.
If you follow these tips you should have a safe, fun and Happy New Year.