How to Have a Wiggles Birthday Party

There are days in my home when you wouldn’t know there was anything in the world other than the Wiggles. My daughter has been a fan of the Wiggles since she was 18 months old, and at four and a half, she still watching, dancing to, or pretending to be, the Wiggles.

As a mom, I am happy with her choice. I’m a big fan too. But it’s not just that I like them, it’s also the lessons they teach, the fact that she has quite an appreciation for music and friendship, and that she never sits still when she is watching them.

Each year I ask her what she’d like to have on her birthday cake, and each year the answer remains the same: The Wiggles. She’s had a Wiggle’s party every year so far, though we have added Dora cupcakes and ducks upon her request. If your little one loves the Wiggles, throwing together a Wiggly birthday party is quite easy.


The most important part of a Wiggle’s birthday party is the perfect cake. I have found that while it’s easy to find any other character for birthday cakes, the Wiggle’s theme is harder to find. No worries, though, due to the simplicity of the Wiggle’s dress code; you can very easily make one yourself.

All you have to do to make a great Wiggle’s birthday cake for your child is to use the four colors: yellow, blue, red, and purple. I have very little skill in cake decoration but I did manage to make a decent replica of the Wiggles logo for my daughter’s second birthday. You can also look on online auction sites for birthday cake decorating kits that feature the Wiggles.


The Wiggles are known for singing about healthy foods. You can choose any of the foods they sing about for your child’s Wiggly birthday party. I understand that cold spaghetti may not be your first choice, but you can make fruit salad or Crunchy Munchy Honey Cakes. You can find a recipe for the Honey Cakes on the Wiggle’s official website under ‘frequently asked questions’.


This one is easy! Buy your plates, balloons, plastic wear, cups, tablecloth and other decorations in yellow, blue, purple, and red. Some paper or party stores do carry Wiggles decorations, depending on where you live.


You can’t have a Wiggle’s birthday party without some great Wiggle’s games. If your imagination is failing you, as mine has in the past, here are some suggestions for fun and easy Wiggle’s themed games you can have for your child’s Wiggly birthday.

Toss the Fruit or Toss the Roses

A friend of mine from Australia recently used this game for her daughter’s Wiggle’s birthday party and she reported that it was quite a hit. She took a large drawing of Dorothy, cut a hole out of her stomach, and the children tossed roses through the whole. Another variation of this would be a large cutout of Anthony, with a hole to toss fruit.

Pirate Treasure Hunt

You could do this one of two ways. In warm weather, you could have a scavenger hunt. Make a list of items that are very easy to find, and have each child search until the list is complete. When each child completes the list, they get a treasure box filled with goodies.

The second way can be done when it’s cold and snowy outside. It may take a little work, but is a lot of fun. Set up simple, age appropriate riddles that lead the children from one clue to the next. They can work together to figure out the clue. The final clue should lead them to small treasure boxes for each child.

Wiggle’s Musical Chairs

Throw in a Wiggle’s CD and play musical chairs. If you aren’t familiar with musical chairs, here is how you play. You set up chairs in the center of the room, one less in number than the number of children playing.

Instruct the children to circle around the chairs as the music plays. Once the music stops, they must sit down. Because there is one less chair, the child who is without a seat is done with the game. Remove one chair for the next round and continue until the game is one.

Pass The Parcel

This game is mentioned in the Wiggle’s song “Wiggly Party”. It’s a game played in Australia for birthdays. One main prize is wrapped up. Then layers of gift-wrap go over the main prize with another smaller prize inside. You should make enough layers for the number of children at the party. The game then works something like musical chairs. The package is passed around from child to child.

When the music stops the child that is holding the package can unwrap one layer of paper to claim a prize. Many parents like to control the music in a way that each child gets at least one prize out of the game.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few ideas for a Wiggly themed birthday party. With a little imagination you can come up with all sorts of great activities for your child’s birthday party. If your children love the Wiggles, they will be delighted to see those four smiling faces at their party, even if they are just smiling up from the cake.

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