How to Have the Appearance of Designer Clothes

There are some ways that you can dress sharper, and more impressively, than you can normally afford. That’s because the same companies that make the designer duds also make smaller things like emblems, appliques, bandanas, and other embellishments.
Stores that specialize in cloth, threads and other sewing supplies generally have a vast selection of fabric patches and emblems that can be sewn on to most clothing and some shoes. These can include logos Like “Harley-Davidson”, “Nike”, “Disney” and other name brands. They are available in the form of iron-on or stitch-on appliques or patches. And, you don’t have to know how to sew to use them – just use fabric glue to attach them.
Some appliques aren’t necessarily a logo for a particular company. For instance, the store may have a collection of checkmark patches that aren’t exactly logos but could be attached to certain clothing to make it appear that they are logos.
The average price for a logo tee shirt is two to three times greater than the price of a plain tee shirt. The price of the appliques can run from a dollar to ten dollars, depending upon the design and size. Waiting for sales may save you even more. Try fabric appliques or patches on shoes, socks, jean pockets, shirt pockets, jackets, and hats. Try rub-on appliques for belts or other leather accessories.
There are even bandanas with a company logo or other promotional design on them. A bandana is inexpensive and can be sewn onto an ordinary denim jacket to give the appearance of a designer jacket. Try laying it on the back of your jacket then folding and tucking, where necessary, to make it fit perfectly. Sew or fabric-glue the bandana onto the jacket – or even a shirt. The bandanas also work for duffle bags and purses. Simply cut the shape you need and glue or stitch on to the object.
Craft stores have large selections of designer items such as stickers or rub-on appliques. Stickers can work well for non-clothing items such as mirrors or vases. Stickers come in a variety of different shapes and sizes that will fit any number of things. Stickers with the clear backing look nicer than the ones that are printed onto white paper. The clear backing is difficult to see when placed on most items making it hard to notice that it’s a sticker.
Name-brand and designer fashions are somewhat expensive, particularly for those on fixed budgets, but those people can still have look-alike clothing at a fraction of the cost.