How to Help Save Water in Severe Drought Conditions

Weather conditions world-wide have been less than favorable in recent years. I remember several months ago hearing that some acquaintances in Australia were experiencing a severe drought. Back then, the water deficit here in the U.S. was the farthest thing from my mind, and I prayed daily that my acquaintances in Australia would get the rain they so badly needed. Little did I know, I’d be living in drought conditions myself before too long.

The drought Georgia is experiencing right now is one of the worst it has ever experienced. The conditions have made national news headlines, as we receive word that some of the biggest lakes in Georgia are expected to be dry within the next few months. These lakes supply a large portion of the water supply the Georgia residents rely on, and news that they may very well dry up is more than enough to scare those most dependent on the water sources.

Something must be done to help conserve what precious water is left. Below are a few suggestions to help conserve what you can, and maybe cut a little money off your water bill in the process.

1.Pay Attention to Water Restrictions

Before turning on your outside water, check online for information on any water restrictions you may be under. By using outdoor water against the restrictions, you are using water that might be better used elsewhere. Many counties are also enforcing their water restrictions with hefty fines, and possibly even by turning off your indoor water supply.

2.Save the Rain

Outdoor buckets and drums, which can be closed to hold in the water and keep out leaves and bugs, can be used to collect the rain when it is actually present. At the first sign of rain, remove the top from your bucket or drum. After the rain is gone, close the lid. This water can then be used to water plants at a later date.

3. Take Shorter Showers

By cutting down your shower time, you are also cutting down on water usage. Low-flow shower heads are also great for helping cut down the amount of water used during your shower.

4. Don’t Pull the Plug

When taking a shower or bath, keep the tub plugged to collect the water. Afterward, don’t drain your tub! Instead, you can use buckets of water from the tub to keep your toilet flushing. How? It’s quite simple. Turn off your water supply to your toilet. After you flush, use a bucket to scoop the water from your tub, and then fill the tank of your toilet. Your toilet will flush without using any extra water, and you can recycle the water from your bath.

5.No Small Loads

Wait until you have a full load of laundry to actually run the washing machine. Rather than doing several small loads, instead wait until you have a very full load. It’s a great way to save on both water and power usage. The same applies to using the dishwasher. By getting your dishwasher as full as possible, rather than running it everyday no matter what the load size, you will be saving water that could be used for other purposes.

6. Turn Off The Sink

When brushing your teeth, never leave the water running. Instead, only turn it on for wetting the toothbrush and for rinsing. The same goes when rinsing dishes. Turn the water off and on between dishes, rather than leaving it running while you go to the table for more. Better yet, put a small amount in a plugged sink, then use a rag or bottle brush to wipe the dishes while the dishes are in the water, rather than using running water to rinse them.

By following these simple steps, you can do your part to help conserve the water supply in drought conditions.

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